

Week in Review

The wild winds of January returned in full-force this past week, plunging us into the depths of sub-freezing temperatures and reminding us that winter in the Northeast is anything but a cake walk. Fortunately, there was solace to be found in the more superficial pleasures, and some of the deeper ones as well.

  • One of the best ways to make it through the wilderness when the cold is knocking at your door can be found in a classic winter cocktail – in this case the Manhattan.
  •  The most touching pair of photographs I’ve seen this year – and in quite some time – courtesy of these simple, but powerfully-juxtaposed pics from Wayne & Cody. More on them to come in the near future.

  • Speaking of football – this time the American version – I had a frank talk with my brother (prior to the game) of the match-up between the Patriots and the Ravens.

  • The parade of Hunks of the Day continued, with the multi-faceted talents of Benjamin Godfre,  the bountiful and beautiful booty of Will Wikle, the hairy-chested realness of Mark Ruffalo & the elegantly age-defying Dermot Mulroney.
  • And the week closed out rather woefully with Justin Bieber pulling down his pants and exposing his barely-legal bare butt for all of the Instagram world to see. In other words, I’m glad this one’s in the history books.
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