

The Great Gratuitous Shirtless and Naked Male Celebrity Post

As a follow-up to this mega-collection of naked male celebrity photos (The Erection Collection), and a pre-Easter treat in the limbo-like suspense before He rises (oh blasphemy), here is another group of former ‘Hunks of the Day‘, hyper-linked for easy access and studded with a few new photos for your man-candy Easter baskets. I’m not going to group them into any sort of order or label as I did last time, partly because we as humans defy such quick categorization (but mostly because I’m just too damn lazy and it will be enough searching through the archives to find a decent spattering of male celebrities getting their nudity on).

By the way, if you want to search the Archives yourself, scroll down to the bottom of the page, click the drop-down box for the ‘Archives’ section, and select the month and year you wish to peruse. If you go to the bottom of the pages and hit ‘Older posts’ you can keep going back, back, way on way back when…

The very furry Scott Caan

The artfully inked (and aptly-last-named) Stuart Reardon

The sporty Nick Youngquest

The perfectly pubic Noah Mills

The beautifully bountiful Columbus Short

The sexy-back singer Justin Timberlake

The arguably cutest of the three, Nick Jonas

The ever-Speedo-clad Tom Daley

The gleefully shirtless Darren Criss

The oh-so-young-but-still-hairy arm pits of Taylor Lautner

The specimen of perfection Scott Herman

The dashing dancer/football player Victor Cruz

The shirtless guy from all the shows I never watched Chace Crawford

The falsetto smoothness known as Adam Levine

& the manliest man Sacha Harding.

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