

Cristiano Ronaldo: The Full-Frontal Shot

Cristiano Ronaldo fans are in for a treat today, as the title of this post not-so-secretly reveals. Footballer extraordinaire, Mr. Ronaldo knows his way around a ball scene, and as purveyor of his own underwear line, knows a thing or two about boxer-briefs too. Keep scrolling to see the goods, but stop along the way for some gratuitous links. 

See this post about his skivvies.

Or this one about his bulge.

Or this one about his briefs.

Or this one crowning him as Hunk of the Day

His latest underwear design certainly shows off the piping

And speaking of pipes… that full-frontal glimpse is just beyond the scroll-down…












































Happy April Fools Day! Sorry, it’s what we do here, and always have done. Here’s a bulge-tastic post of Cristiano for those who don’t want to leave mad. 

{See Zac Efron’s full-frontal shot here.}

{See a full-frontal David Beckham shot here.}

{See Tom Daley’s full-frontal shot here.}

{See the Ben Cohen full-frontal shot here.}

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