

NYC: A Helluva Town – Part 2

A blind choice based on reviews and collective raves, ‘The Humans’ was the second Broadway show we took in on our New York excursion. It turned out to be a good one, albeit fraught with tension and the damning ways in which we live and try to connect and survive in a world largely gone mad. We are our own monsters, it seems.

Far more comforting was the shopping and eating we did along the way and afterward. For a couple of years now, I’ve been a huge fan of Lidia Bastianich, so when choosing a restaurant for a Saturday dinner, I looked no further than Felidia. A thousand tweets later, I cannot tell a lie: I was hoping we’d get a glimpse of that merry matriarch, and it turns out I was closer than I realized.

Upon entering the cozy quarters, I looked upon the sharply-turned-out visage of Lidia’s daughter, whom I recognized from television. Silly and starstruck, I stumbled over my words telling her how much I enjoyed her Mom and her recipes. She said we had just missed her mother and I cursed myself for not getting there early and bellying up to the bar. Lesson learned the delicious way. As for the meal, it was nothing short of exquisite, and they certainly know their way around a proper wine pairing.

We walked back to the hotel in an effort to walk off what we’d just devoured, and to make room for one more meal: afternoon tea at The Plaza…

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