

Mo Beach

The best way I’ve found to beat the traffic heading to Cape Cod is simply to depart very early in the day, preferably from a place close by, such as Boston. To that end, I spent Friday night in my favorite city, laying low so as to avoid any FaceBook revelations regarding my location (to insure this surprise). I departed Boston by 7 AM, and I thought I was in the clear. It flowed pretty smoothly until we reached the Sagamore Bridge, where it was already lined up, down to a single lane thanks to some flooding, but the early hour made it less than what must have followed.

While waiting for JoAnn to get up and get ready, I stopped at the Beach Plum Bakery, because a place that advertises fresh muffin tops is speaking my language. I opted for the banana walnut, and a cup of green tea. The talk of the cafe was the storm from the night before. It came through at 5 AM, someone said, woke all the households, shook windows and rattled doors, finishing with a deluge that resulted in such flooding. This wild tempest was an unlikely beacon for my arrival, but after a few hours of rain, the sun came out and the rest of the weekend was stellar.

There’s something about being close to the sea that sets the mind at ease. Now that my friend JoAnn has returned to Monument Beach, I’m hoping to get down to the Cape more often, but maybe not until fall. For now, this Mo has left Mo Beach. Next sandy destination is Ogunquit… in a few weeks.

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