

Dinners With An Old Friend

My quick Washington jaunt was structured loosely around dinners with Chris. After my welcome-to-town brunch, I decided to keep the days to myself, and the rest of that first one passed in the blissful arms of the Topaz Hotel. Soon enough, and early dinner hour beckoned by the wine on-hand in the Topaz lounge – a very happy Kimpton tradition.

While Chris maintains his distracted on-the-go persona, always looking and planning for the next thing to do, I was happy to relax and enjoy the company of a guy I’ve known for over twenty years. Breaking bread with a friend is one of life’s greatest treasures, and Chris scoped out a pair of lovely restaurants for my stay: Dabney’s and Hazel. The dishes at each tasted even better than they look here.

Though we are in pretty regular contact (preferably through texting, ahem) there is still nothing that can substantially substitute for shared company. It’s not the momentous events that solidify a friendship, it’s all the little in-between time that forges such lasting connections. Of course, I’ll still write the occasion letter and send it off in the mail, old-fashioned style, and as that’s how our friendship began, it’s a tradition that will continue. For this weekend in Washington, however, there was no need for postage.

We delved into the past, and two decades in we find there is more to discover about each other (though I have a feeling Chris simply wasn’t listening the first time around) – and that will always be the hallmark of any worthy friendship: the way we feel comfortable sharing more and more of what we once kept secret. And the way we can look back over all those years and laugh about so much of it. When you realize that, you understand that what was important wasn’t necessarily what you thought was important. That always makes me relax a little more in the moment.

Sometimes it takes a good friend to remind you of the joy in the world.

(Especially if you’re devouring some excellent food at the same time.)

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