

A Long Washington Weekend ~ Pt. II

I love a library, but I especially love a library that’s got style – and the Library of Congress has that in spades. Feast your eyes upon this fantastic marble-saturated room. It felt more like a museum gallery than a library, though as you will see there is most definitely a working library on the premises (and a few admonishments to keep the peace and quiet.)

When learning and beauty come together, it’s a glorious sight to behold.

“Too low they build, who build beneath the stars.”

Somebody’s got ambition, and a couple of Corinthian columns to back it up. We would later get a look at the acanthus plant whose leaves inspired the design of these columns.

Looking down into the library itself, we could see that people were indeed working and reading and researching – and this is where there was a sign asking that noise be kept to a minimum.

Such ornate wonders must have inspired something in those who dwelled in these halls.

Mostly, though, it just made me realize that we are not doing enough with our ceilings. (Of course, it would help it they were 100 feet in the air, but I digress.)

This is how one creates a corner with impact.

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