

The Elusive Amber Absolute by Tom Ford

Not many fragrances live up to their over-the-top billing and extreme descriptors, but ‘Amber Absolute’ from Tom Ford’s Private Blends more than fulfills its accompanying literature. It carries even more mystery and magnificence since it’s been discontinued for years, and later versions are reportedly nowhere near as potent as its original incarnation. An early blog attempt at capturing its magic fell flat for me, and I never properly honored such an exquisite scent, so I’m trying again here. 

This is considered by many to be the greatest Tom Ford Private Blend, and it is definitely the most gorgeously dark and decadent scent in my cologne cabinet, surpassing even the intoxicating ‘Tuscan Leather‘ and ‘Portrait of a Lady‘. It was re-released as part of a Reserve Collection, but I’ve been told it’s not as good, so I’ve been using my original as sparingly as possible to make it last. The re-releases tend to be slightly watered-down, while the price has gone insanely up. 

October is usually when my bottle gets its turn off the shelf, cozily cuddling up to the chilly nights. When fireside chats demand sweaters and boots, this is a scent that can hold its own with the burning embers and smoky air. No other cologne can combat such a combination as well as ‘Amber Absolute’. 

There is amber and musk at its animalistic heart, while a smoky shroud of incense lends a spiritual mystery that almost balances the primal beast lurking within the bottle. Almost… because that dirty, flirty, anything-but-religious fervor cannot be contained or balanced by incense or hints of vanilla. Despite their valiant efforts to sweetly tamp down the fiery tongues of fragrance unleashed with each spritz, this is one monster that refuses to be tamed. It’s like fucking around with fire – sooner or later someone gets hurt – and what a lovely way to burn.

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