

Happy Birthday Tom Ford

Fellow Virgo Tom Ford celebrates his birthday today, and I’m almost more excited about his than my own this year. His ‘Azure Lime’ Private Blend has become the fragrance that will embody this sad summer. A gift of Andy for our anniversary, I was originally conflicted about wearing it and aligning it with such a sorrowful time, but then I thought that it was only fitting for a fine fragrance to remind me of this moment. 

As for Ford, his style and taste have always been inspirations for me – something to which we can aspire, perhaps not in wearing any of his outrageously-expensive outfits (with the exception of some underwear), but in how we live our lives – with precision and care and exactness. It’s what make us Virgos. 

Regarding Ford’s wondrous Private Blends collection of fragrances, here’s a list of some of my favorites and how they perform based on previous posts:

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