

Bits & Baubles: #TinyThreads

Good things come in small packages. Some might disagree, but there’s something to that adage. That’s also going to be the guiding force for some upcoming posts, and a new feature that will hopefully be a regular one (famous last words). In my time off, I did some website-soul-searching. Most of the sites that I’ve visited over the past few months (there haven’t been that many) feature posts that are punchy, quick, and far less substantial than the 1000 word essays I tend to put up here. My rambling knows no character limits. That’s all well and good for a creative outlet, but it does take some work and effort and time. As my home and career responsibilities increase (as they tend to do as we get older) I find myself less able to keep up the pace I once had. There’s also no one forcing my hand, so I can do what I want to do on this site. (Check the damn name.) That said, silly filler and fanciful fluff is on the way, darlings! Watch for the new ‘Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series’ feature for all the fierce frivolity.


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