

Mommie Dearest in the Flesh

It was only with the slightest bit of trepidation that I ordered second row tickets for Faye Dunaway’s performance as Katherine Hepburn in ‘Tea At Five’ currently playing in Boston. It’s not like she’s going to break the fourth wall, make it to the second row and choke me out or beat with a wire hanger, right?


Or is that too much to hope for? As a fan of Ms. Dunaway’s stage and screen work – I saw her a number of years ago as Maria Callas in ‘Master Class’ – and any graduate of Gay 101 has seen and memorized most of ‘Mommie Dearest‘ – I’m looking forward to her take on Katherine Hepburn. When one icon portrays another icon, it’s always worth a look. The mirrors and reflections involved, and the multi-level density and complexity of such a theatrical feat have proven rich and fertile grounds for wonderful things in the past (see all the times Helen Mirren portrayed a queen).

There are plans for this show to hit Broadway in the next few months, so something special certainly seems to be in the offing. We shall see what we shall see… I had high hopes for last summer’s ‘Moulin Rouge‘ preview in Boston, and that was one big hot spectacular mess. Here’s hoping Ms. Dunaway’s star vehicle doesn’t fly off the rails or the handle. Well, maybe a little off the handle. If you can’t be slightly shook by Faye Dunaway as Katherine Hepburn, you’re not really alive.

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