

Dazzler of the Day: Travis Kelce

Taylor Swift put Travis Kelce on the map the same way Bridget Jones put Renee Zellweger on the map. Only one other person in the world will get that, but it tickles me in the same way that people who had never heard of Travis Kelce are suddenly acting like he was not known. Full disclaimer: I did not know of Travis Kelce prior to Taylor making a spectacle of herself at one of his football games (a spectacle of which I fully support, because I spent all last weekend trying to get into one of those cozy glass houses at a baseball game where it was pouring rain – but that’s a story for another post, and trust me, it’s coming up…) As for Travis Kelce, some rudimentary research and image-seeking found a man wholly worthy of this Dazzler of the Day. See for yourself. 

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