

Summer Olympics 2016 Sexiness

Today marks the beginning of the Summer Olympics 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!!! The whole thing is supposedly about the world coming together and competing with good-natured sportsmanship (and sportswomanship) but really it’s just an excuse to ogle toned bodies and the fittest people on the planet. Before we get into anyone’s Speedos just yet, let’s have a look back at other memorable Olympic posts, as they are as plentiful as they are visually-delicious.

First up is everyone’s favorite diver Tom Daley. Though the Chinese team reportedly has a lock on the diving medals, Mr. Daley is going to squeeze himself into a Speedo and do his best to bring something back for Britain.

Second, another returning champ is Michael Phelps, who aims to add to his stockpile of gold.

Third, Nathan Adrian, who’s gotten naked in the water not just once here, but twice.

Fourth, Ryan Lochte is always good for some skimpy attire and ice blue hair.

Fifth, Matt Greevers, because both swimming and diving require the best kind of wardrobe.

Salacious clickbait aside, the Olympics have always been about more than man-candy and impossibly fit bodies. They represent a coming-together of the entire world. When those athletes march onto the same field, in solidarity reaching toward perfection, they are united, and for the most part good sportspersonship prevails. I always choke up a little when that opening ceremony arrives at the entrance moment for all those smiling faces, and each country’s contingent walks in beaming, full of pride, and together as one.

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