

Speedo Catch-up/Catch-all

Summer is traditionally the time when the guys and gals get all naked. Since this website went dark during that sunny season, however, we lost a look at some of the Speedos that were donned. Let’s do a little retroactive Speedo search and see who got in (and out of) their banana hammocks. (And a few who didn’t deign to show off their bulge but were too cute not to include.)

First up is Nyle DiMarco, who has made a few splashes here in his almost-altogether. He gets his cocktail on by the sea in these shots, recalling the glory that is summer. 

Next is a pair of hunks who merge two of my favorite passions: dancing and nature. Check out Bear Grylls and Derek Hough in one of Bear’s underwear adventures. They made it through the wilderness. 

Getting his splash on is Matthew Wilkas, because when you’re that hot you need to find ways to cool down. 

Sometimes naked arms are enough when the rest of you is as super as Henry Cavill. And if you’re Ben Cohen sometimes all you have to do is smile. 

Two words: David Beckham. He may not be wearing a Speedo here, but he gets a pass because he wore one here

A double dose of Ricky Martin in his Speedo is always a summer treat. He’s done it before, and with any luck he’ll do it again. 

Strutting into the Big Brother house like a peacock, Dan Osborne does some impressive bulge work as per usual. Some may think he looks better naked, so make your own comparisons with this nude Dan Osborne post

Opening his arms and flexing his pecs, Jake Quickenden personifies summer glory. 

Finally, Pietro Boselli is too big for one GIF, so here he is in three. There’s no one better to bring up the rear, especially when it’s Pietro Boselli’s bare-naked butt

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