

A Brief Speedo Interlude

The summer Olympics are coming up in July, and to whet your appetite I fill this space with some Speedo bulges filled out by several gentlemen who have made splashes here and in Olympic pools the world over. The tallest, and the guy in every single one of these photos is Yona Knight-Wisdom who appeared here as Hunk of the Day, anchoring this hunky collection and played a part in this hunk break

There’s also some Speedo shots of Daniel Goodfellow in his post as Hunk of the Day, this follow-up in more Speedo glory, and closed out this shirtless collection

Jack Laugher is represented in posts too numerous to mention, but a few merit special consideration, such as this double-Speedo-sighting, a Hunk of the Day crowning, this Speedo trio, a rear view for a snowy day, and this post that barely contains all of his assets

Finally, James Heatly brings heat in his Hunk of the Day feature, and also appeared in this yearly round-up in case you want links to last the rest of the week. 

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