

Rob Gronkowski: The Naked Retiree

Oh Gronk, how envious we were of you, and how envious we still are.

Rob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots officially announced his retirement today. Don’t bother doing the math on how old he is, because the math just makes me mad. I mean, so happy for him and everything… blah, blah, blah. (No word yet on how Tom Brady is taking this news.) The Gronk has been very popular on this website, thanks to his penchant for removing his shirt at no provocation whatsoever. We appreciate such things, so let’s take a quick look back at everyone’s favorite footballer. 

This post was one of the first that proved a naked Rob Gronkowski was a big draw. 

A Speedo and crack of ass proved the Gronk was just as popular in skimpy attire as he was out of it. 

His ESPN Body Issue shoot. 

More Rob Gronkowski nude pics…

He also did his part to show off the sexiness that was the Super Bowl this year

It’s up to Julian Edelman to take over the naked show-off spot next season. (He’s already proved his nude aptitude.)

Anyway, congrats Gronk. Do not go quietly into that good night. 

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