

Odds & Hunky Ends

While winter has us in her wicked grasp, let’s pause and look back at some of the hotness that has populated this site in days before. Normally I despise looking back this much, but when the sights are this pretty an exception deserves to be made. 

We shall begin with this fine quintet of Speedo-clad divers, because some gentlemen should only be seen in a Speedo. And Olympic-caliber divers certainly qualify for that distinction. In the feature photo, you’ll see the fine physiques and handsome faces of Daniel Goodfellow, Matthew Lee, Yona Knight-Wisdom, Chris Mears and Jack Laugher, most of whom have been featured here before. Special emphasis has been placed on Jack Laugher and Dan Goodfellow, since they’ve partnered up for diving events before. We value and celebrate such kinship here, particularly when wet. Chris Mears was previously seen without any Speedo on at all, and that may be even better. A naked Olympic athlete? Who are we to say no?

This previous shirtless post on the man who plays Thor, Chris Hemsworth, was one of several the actor earned over his years on the big-screen. Muscle-bound and magnificent, he doffed his clothing in this epic GIF, showcasing his ample assets to the delight of many.

Colin Kaepernick has made powerful statements on the football field in the past, and because of such courage he won his Hunk of the Day feature in this post

Illuminating how hard work does a body good, Idris Elba has been getting in even sharper shape of late, as evidenced in this shirtless post and the photo seen here. Who wants to go for a ride?

A double-GIF for your viewing pleasure, feast your eyes upon Henry Cavill and Pietro Boselli in magnificent motion. A nude Henry Cavill has been featured here before, as has his hairy-chested figure, while a naked Pietro Boselli showed off his goods in this post. And his VPL in this post. And other stuff in this one. And his Santa’s hat in this one. And the top of his coin slot in this one. And, well, you get the point in this one

(Bonus Henry Cavill post here because you will want to see it. And one more of Boselli’s naked butt.)

Finally, in a fun nod to the ‘How Hard Has Aging Hit You’ challenge that’s been raging through FaceBook lately, here are Mark Paul and Mario Lopez in their before and after shots. They are far too clothed for anyone’s liking, so check out these posts with Mr. Lopez in his underwear and Mr. G without any underwear at all. 

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