
Echoes of Orville Peck Nude

This naked Orville Peck montage for Paper magazine, shot and directed by Brett Loudermilk, gets an echo post following the original post of nude Orville Peck pics here. Loudermilk coaxed a scorching series of images from Peck – it’s amazing the majesty that a few well-twisted balloons can conjure, particularly when a naked Peck sits astride them or cradles them in his hand. Summer is about to pop off…

Peck will be providing this year’s summer theme song (to be revealed as always on the first day of summer) which was hinted at in this Coquette Summer Music post. (His will be the secret song listed on that playlist.) Anyway, here are a couple more shots by Loudermilk, well-worth another look-see.

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