Boston Birthday Balm

Some birthdays are quiet, as if biding their time until some more spectacular number. That was certainly the case with my 49th, which was sent just with Andy on a quiet late summer weekend in Boston. The weather was the greatest gift – sunny skies, but not too warm, with nights perfectly comfortable for walking home. We arrived on Friday night, and all of Southwest Corridor Park was in bloom to greet us – starting with this lovely red rose.

The park has been giving a gorgeous show all summer, and it shoed no sign of slowing down, unlike the gardens at home. It felt more like the height of summer rather than the start of the final month of festivities. There were just enough puffy clouds in the sky to make for a beautiful overhead. 

Oe the eve of my birthday, I’d gotten Andy tickets to see Kristin Chenoweth’s new star vehicle, ‘The Queen of Versailles’ at the Emerson Colonial Theatre, where it was making its pre-Broadway run. Ms. Chenoweth soared, and there was praise in the material – a few judicious cuts here, a little letting out there, and there may be magic headed to the Great White Way

My birthday itself was mostly a calm and quiet affair, with Andy providing the exquisite ‘Angeliques Sous La Pluie’ by Jean-Claude Ellena for Frederic Malle, which has been on my wish list for years. It was a fitting choice, as this one reminds me of summer evenings in Boston from long ago, when I would wear a sample of it when I needed something light for the heat. 

We took several strolls through the Boston Public Garden, which is always our favorite haunt, and ended up stopping for brunch at a place overlooking the garden. Without a plan, without fanfare, without a printed agenda, my birthday was mostly winging it with my husband, and I couldn’t have planned a happier day. 

We meandered through the garden, exiting near the duckling statues and walking through Beacon Hill. I found a birthday hat to greet the fall (more on that later…) and, more thrillingly, managed to find the elusive peach ice cream that Suzie and Chris had failed to procure time and time again. 

After dining at Wink & Nod later in the evening, Andy and I walked back to the condo through a gorgeous clear night, and if I have to face a 49th year on this wretched planet, at least I can do it where beauty is still a balm, and love is still in the air. 

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A Gratuitous ClickBait-&-Switch

This is only a partial clickbait-and-switch, as I am offering the draw of Jeremy Allen White in his underwear but also supplying a couple of links of more of him dazzling in this post– so there is some substance behind the prettiness. Take a moment and click on those links to get your fill of the bulging Jeremy Allen White, and scroll down this delicious bulge listing, then come back and join us for the real reason for this post: a celebration of August.

I haven’t felt very joyful these past few weeks, which is typical near the end of summer and the passing of another birthday. It also sets a very questionable stage for the fall season here on Our coquette summer is coming to its inevitable close, and it is time. The contrast between what is about to be unleashed here is profound. Perhaps a bit jarring. Day and night. Brace for whiplash, because if I’m not ready for this jelly, you are definitely not ready for this jelly.

Before that, here’s a quick recap or recaps for anyone who wants to attempt making sense out of the past month’s trajectory. I certainly can’t, but I’m in it. It’s impossible to see the forest through the trees. 

August 2024 – Week the First.

August 2024 – Week the Second.

August 2024 – Week the Third.

August 2024 – Week the Fourth.


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The Barely-Pink Candle

Fading like the end of August fades, a candle is barely discernible as pink in its solitary light. The final faint whispers of a coquette summer rustle along a night breeze – how it slipped away so quickly is the saddest recurring mystery. On this last day of August, here is another song to keep the summer going – this time from our early summer pal Mitski. It wasn’t on any of our previous summer coquette playlists, and while I don’t have a fourth one in the offing, there is still time for a song or two before the summer finally departs. 

I’m beautiful, I know cause it’s the season But what am I to do with all this beauty? Biology, I am an organism, I’m chemical That’s all, that is all I’m liquid smooth, come touch me, too And feel my skin is plump and full of life I’m in my prime I’m liquid smooth, come touch me, too I’m at my highest peak, I’m ripe About to fall, capture me Or at least take my picture

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Echoing this fun post with a feline twist, here we have another jab at all those weirdos with a hugely unjustified persecution complex. 


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Dazzler of the Day: Naomi Osaka

Proving that this beautiful brat summer of 2024 is not quite over, Naomi Osaka donned this spectacular green ruffled tennis outfit for her opening volley of the US Open, and in my mind this kicks open the door of some fun and fine fashion finally being worn on the tennis court. She easily won her set, so it doesn’t seem to impede her skills in the least, and for being brave in this and so many other ways, she earns her first Dazzler of the Day crowning. 

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A Confusing Time

The increasingly-tumultuous weather we’ve had of late has coaxed a couple of azaleas into bloom, far from their typical blooming season. The throwback to spring is bittersweet given the late hour of this summer, but I paused to look at this anomaly, enjoying memories of when it all began. Spring feels very distant. Summer does too, even if we’re still in it. 

There is danger here, especially if these buds were intended for next spring. I would never rob the future for a momentary jolt of pleasure in the present. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Seeing co-workers in the office elevator: not a nod of recognition.

Seeing co-workers in a random store: hi bestie!!!


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Birds and Bees and Hummers

The garden has been quietly busy of late, with our cup plants and butterfly bush providing fertile feeding and pollinating ground for the birds and bees and a hummingbird as seen here. Both continue in their long blooming period, allowing for enjoyment by these visitors that will last through the start of winter. The bees and insects will depart first for the season, then the hummingbirds will go – only the finches will keep coming back into the slumber time. 

The gardens have been wanting to go to sleep for a while now. I stopped fertilizing and feeding them a few weeks ago. Once the ostrich ferns take that turn to brown, it is senseless to try to keep things going and growing. The only things I keep feeding are the container plants, as they will require the nutrients for as long as we want them to be presentable. Let us not be too quick to overlook the importance of these plants in the fall. Cool nights don’t mean an instant end to the pageantry. Not yet… 

In the meantime, the birds and the bees are still humming along…

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Pharmacists are always the sweetest, happiest people. 

Super sus.


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Trouble in the Trees

A rustling and a scuffle, held high above the ground where such things usually take place, drew my attention to the crux of the Eastern white pine and a coral bark Japanese maple tree. A pair of squirrels quarreled or played in the arms of the latter, sending a few maple leaves fluttering to the floor, before they charged into the feathery planes of the pine boughs. What could have caused such a tussle? The curiosity into the lives of squirrels takes me blessedly out of the day, and anything that takes us out of ourselves is a good thing. How many hours have I spent self-fucking the ego? Surely enough for a lifetime. 

Let us look to the trees, and beyond to the sky, to figure out ourselves through detachment and distance. It all goes around and comes around, and around and around we go…

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Dazzler of the Day: Kaelan Strouse

Seeking out a spiritual path in life is often the last bastion of hope for those of us searching for meaning in how we live. Starting off on such a journey, or simply making one’s own way and determining which direction to head is what Kaelan Strouse offers with his books, coaching and spiritual retreats. Meditation has become a life-saving practice for me, so a spiritual guide and coach is nothing short of dazzling, hence Kae’s crowning as Dazzler of the Day here. He melds spirituality, sexuality, and self-empowerment into an authentic and genuine reconciliation of our minds and bodies. Check out his website here for a more detailed and fascinating look at his life’s calling, excerpted below:

Kaelan is a spiritual guide who has led meditations, coaching sessions, and yogic practices since 2008. He founded Ecstatic Self LLC during the pandemic of 2020; his client list ranges from CEOs of NFL teams to federal judges—from Ivy League tenured professors to leaders in healthcare startups.

He has written two books on personal growth and belonging (Journey to the Ecstatic Self & I Dreamt of Flight). Kaelan lived in a meditative ashram for 7 years, earned his advanced CRT 500 in yogic instruction, and has over 1/2-million followers on Ecstatic Self YouTube and other socials.

He has led corporate leadership and empathy workshops for top corporations like JP Morgan, TripAdvisor, KPMG, Bank of America, etc. He graduated magna cum laude from Northwestern University and lives in Washington, DC with his husband and pets.

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A Post-Birthday Recap

Surviving another year on this crazy-ass earth is no mean feat, even if most of us still living have done it for as many years as we’ve been here. Saying a great deal of nothing with a maddening cadence of words has become this blog’s stock in trade. On with this post-birthday recap of the week that I turned 49

A coquette cradle song fit for a fit of crying. 

A gratuitous Glen Powell armpit post, for those who admire such scenes. 

When fall arrives, a coquette summer departs.

Helianthus wet and wild – little faces of sun that refuse to be drowned

Bark and structure – the architecture of the garden.

Coquette queens.

A birthday on the cusp of many things.

Feeling all of my 49 years.

The post-birthday sigh of relief.

Dazzlers of the Day included Catherine O’Hara, Tim Walz, and Todd Alsup.

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Dazzler of the Day: Todd Alsup

Singer, songwriter, producer and powerhouse performer Todd Alsup is one of those fantastic artists who puts on a show from soup to nuts, absolutely creating and expressing a sensational experience for the audience. Currently bringing the one-two punch of “Freedom: The George Michael Experience” and “Elton Undressed”, Alsup is channeling gay rock icons in splendid fashion, while introducing the world to his own brand of charm, talent and charisma. This marks his first Dazzler of the Day crowning. Check out his website here for further evidence of his brilliance.

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A Blue Post-Birthday Sigh of Relief

I made it through the wilderness… somehow I made it through. Another birthday finished, assuming things go relatively well (at the time of this writing I am still a baby-like 48) it’s a day to take pause, and the only thing blue is the color of these salvia blooms. Let’s have a quiet Sunday morning, and bring that calm into the week. 

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Feeling All of 49

The body is weary.

The body is worn.

The body is bruised, achy and torn. 

This is 49, and it comes after a ferocious summer that took my back out, strained my neck, gave me a second go-round with COVID, and battered me down in numerous other ways unnoticeable to the naked eye. The body betrays us the older we get, even as we struggle to protect it. 

After revisiting this date 49 times, one would think I’d have a better grasp of how things should go, of what I’m supposed to be doing. Strangely, with each passing year, I’m discovering that the older I get the less I understand – and there is growing wisdom in that realization and acceptance. 

And so I look back with the indulgence that only a birthday can socially sanction (not that I’ve ever denied myself an indulgence on any of the other days). It begins with #48, the uneventful birthday of last year, during the end of a summer that didn’t feel like it would ever end. For #47, it seemed fitting to slip into my birthday suit – a tradition that was part of #46 in a quieter way. During the quiet first year of COVID, #45 stripped things down to basics, harkening to a vintage-tinged past. 

Donning a different sort of birthday suit for #44, and the traditional one, and following a couple of summers (and birthdays) off from blogging, things picked up as we skipped to the joyous #41, and the equally-lovely #40. Ten years ago found birthday #39 quietly passing in a New York night. A most basic birthday suit post formed the entry for #38, and that seems as fitting a way to end things on this day. I’m tired. 

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