Madonna Re-Re-invented

Gloriously up-cycling a corset from her Re-Invention Tour (how has it been twenty years since that blessed event?) Madonna ate at her own post-Oscars bash, known simply as ‘The Party‘. Perhaps her nostalgic Celebration Tour has her embracing more of her past than she has ever done before, or maybe she just didn’t feel like putting together something entirely new. Whatever the case, I am always here for this look, which rekindles the vibe of her epochal ‘Vogue’ performance from 1990, as well as the wonder of her Re-invention moment, which was one of the first times we found her cozying up to her past at last. 

This comes at a good moment for this blog, as the Madonna Timeline returns on Wednesday morning with a cut from the ‘Rebel Heart’ era. It’s more heart than rebel, and that’s the hat trick that has kept Madonna fascinating to me for all these decades

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A Recap Minus An Hour

In our antiquated and stubborn time system, we lost our annual hour this past weekend, and the less said about it the better. I’m also at a loss for words because I’m wiped out. Not a good state in which to find yourself at the start of the work-week, but here we are. On with the weekly recap

Wayfair went the way of Pier 1 in my life, and it’s for the best. 

Looking up in Albany.

Flowers make all the difference in all the ways. 

Proof of the former is in this ravishing ranunculus post

The most beautiful glass isn’t entirely clear.

A Boston tease, please.

Grease me up.

An end-of-winter Boston adventure with Kira provided a brief respite that won’t be seen again until summer.

A flowerful post.

Darn these socks.

Preparing for guesting.

Jaxon & Uncle Andy.

A naked John Cena at the Oscars.

Dazzlers of the Day included Caitlin Clark, Colin Grafton, Joe Phillips, Sarah Millican, and Jonathon Nason

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John Cena Goes Nude at the Oscars

Easily the highlight of this year’s Academy Awards ceremony, this is John Cena in his naked turn on the Oscar stage. This isn’t the first time John Cena has been nude in these parts. Nor is it the first time he has dazzled around here


For more gratuitous skin shots, check out this link or this link or this one. 

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Jaxon Leads Uncle Andy

Watching Jaxon interact with Andy is one of the greatest joys of life these days. On a rainy Saturday night at the tail-end of winter, we had a family dinner celebrating belated birthdays of January and February, and when it was done we had some time with my Godson. 

Jaxon is growing in leaps and bounds, and just a few weeks reveal numerous changes and developments. It feels like only yesterday when he was still crawling carefully about – now he wants you to run and hide, then chase you and bring you back to where you began.

Andy was playing with him for a while, and when he tried to go back to a chair to join in the adult conversation, Jaxon walked over and pulled him back to play some more. Each time Andy returns to the chair, Jaxon would go back and grab at his hand, pulling him along to join him with his plastics cars and trucks. Andy got his exercise that night, until I played a quick bit of chase with Jaxon, which tuckered me out just as quickly. I’m not sure how many years of active engagement we might offer, but we’ll go until we can’t go anymore. 

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Preparing for Guesting

The long but not terribly unkind knot of winter slowly unravels, and plans for future guests slowly take shape for the warmer seasons. Preparing for guests is one of life’s happier experiences, and I’ve leaned into and loved it ever since I was a kid and we would eagerly begin getting ready for the all-too-rarely occasional visit from family or family friends. 

This year, it begins slowly, as I start to take apart the canopy that saw its last bit of shade giving-life depart thanks to a squirrel’s sharp claws, which made razor-quick shreds of the worn canvass. It’s another neglected bit of wreckage left from last summer, when I couldn’t even bring myself to take down the candy for the winter season. Maybe part of me knew it was time for a new set-up. 

As the temperatures crawled closer toward fifty degrees, I stepped outside in the late afternoon and began unscrewing the rusty bolts, freeing the posts from their wooden base, and piling up all the dirty pieces in the side yard. Later we will rent a dumpster and get rid of two canopy sets that now sit cluttering up the side of the house. All in the name of creating a beautiful space. 

The Guest House
by Jalaluddin Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

In our main bathroom, a new vanity mirror cabinet finally hangs on the wall above the sink. The lighting demands a different paint job, another task that feels onerous, overwhelming, and impossible. Eyeing the walls wearily, I make a mental list of what will be needed – tape, paint, paint brush – because no matter how many times I paint a room, I never save the brushes. The idea of preparation may be its own source of inspiration. The feeling is familiar, the feeling is fine. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Only a few socks are worth darning.

Most aren’t.

(And I’ve never darned a sock in my life, darn it.)


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Dazzler of the Day: Jonathon Nason

The first time I met Jonathon Nason he was working at The Front Porch, and we were on our annual Ogunquit, Maine visit, so it was a very happy time indeed. Since then he’s made his artwork his chosen focus, channeling the backdrop of Maine into his colorful work and vibrant portraits. Today he is crowned as Dazzler of the Day thanks to his consistently inspiring artistic creations. See below for a more comprehensive description of his work and mission, and then visit his website here for an exhilarating romp through his work

JOnathon Nason is a rising talent in the art world, bringing a fresh and vibrant perspective to the scene. His work is deeply rooted in the rich tradition of impressionist styles, where he skillfully explores the beauty of the human form, the wonders of nature, and a captivating blend of fantasy, emotion, and the human experience. JOnathon’s art is a lively celebration of bold, vibrant colors, often elevated with a touch of shine and shimmer, as he fearlessly explores new mediums and styles.

Hailing from the breathtaking landscapes of Maine, JOnathon’s artistic journey has been profoundly influenced by the captivating natural beauty that has surrounded him throughout his life. Primarily self-taught, he has drawn inspiration from his environment and innate creativity, forging a deep connection between his art and his surroundings. He also had the opportunity to live in South Florida, where he was exposed to the world of galleries and street art, further enriching his artistic perspective.

JOnathon Nason’s art is a mesmerizing fusion of impressionism, fantasy, passion, emotion, and mythology. His work showcases a masterful interplay of color and light, inviting viewers to explore the intricacies of human existence and the boundless worlds of imagination. Always eager to experiment with new mediums and styles, he pushes the boundaries of his creative expression.

JOnathon is currently immersed in a series of projects aimed at enhancing his understanding of form, figure, and composition. He is focused on building a larger and diversified body of work that showcases his evolving artistic journey. In the near future, he aspires to explore opportunities in galleries and other exciting venues.

JOnathon Nason expresses his heartfelt appreciation for your support and invites you to explore his art. He hopes that his work resonates with you and inspires you in some way. This artistic journey is an ever-evolving one, and he warmly invites you to join him on this creative odyssey.

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Dazzler of the Day: Sarah Millican

English comedian and writer Sarah Millican earns her first Dazzler of the Day crowning thanks to her hilarious on-stage work and writing, and a sly delivery that makes it all the more hilarious. Check out Millican’s website here for her current touring dates and upcoming performances. Hopefully she makes it to this sad side of the pond someday – we definitely need a laugh. (Bonus points for her brash sense of style.)

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A Benign Boston Visit – 2

Outside, the rain grew heavier as the afternoon turned to evening, while inside the light was warm, the company was true, and the pasta dinner was on the way. We started with some prosciutto and olives and fennel biscuits. The older we get, the more we seem to appreciate simply being at home. The delights of the city – at least what delights us these days – are rarely found to be accessible late at night, and our bar-hopping shenanigans and clubbing chaos are long behind us. Gratefully, we leaned into the afternoon with some tea, embracing the coziness of these last weeks of winter. 

I made a very simple, light pasta dinner with artichoke hearts and broccoli and freshly-grated parmesan cheese. A bit of butter and cream, along with a small diced onion, added the only flavor we needed, and it was done in about 20 minutes – also ideal for anyone watching their meat intake in this season of Lent. (On Fridays we do fish!)

As the evening marked the anniversary of Madonna’s ‘Ray of Light’ album release, I told Kira we should wind down for the night with a listening session of the whole album. Lowering the lights and operating with only a few lit candles, we settled into the same room in which I first listened to that album way back in 1998. 

It was as magical and mystical as I remember it being all those years ago, and hearing it with a friend made it mean a little more. By the time ‘Mer Girl’ wrapped up the night, the rainy cloak of something approaching healing and solace had wrapped itself around us. 

When next we meet, may the fountain be running, the windows wide open, and the leaves on the trees… 

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A Benign Boston Visit – 1

This will mark the last time Kira and I rendezvous in Boston until summer, as our schedules don’t quite seem to allow for a spring visit. Putting that depressing thought from our minds, we made the most of our time together on a recent weekend in our favored city, trudging through the benign days of a waning winter. Arriving on Friday, I didn’t have a meal plan in effect, and was largely planning on winging it with some pasta and artichoke hearts I’d brought. Upon setting out to procure a few more items, we decided to simply grab a Thai dinner at a nearby restaurant rather than attempt a dinner-making scene at the end of a wearing work week. 

Walking around Boston often means passing by sites and spaces that hold special significance, such as this little section near a park where Alissa’s daughter Sophia once played as a child. The ghosts of youth – mine and theirs – haunt quietly and for the most part kindly these days. They no longer hold the same sad sway they once did, and I no longer consciously work to avoid them, instead allowing the feelings to arrive like waves, knowing they will subside. 

The day’s light is still growing longer, but dusk still descends sooner than welcome, so we hurried back to the condo and a few minutes of a movie before falling asleep. 

The next day Kira treated me to lunch at the newly-opened Sugar Factory in Faneuil Hall. We don’t frequent that tourist-heavy place much, and walking past the many empty storefronts of retail space revealed that we weren’t the only ones. I wanted to give the Sugar Factory a whirl to see if it was something I could stomach with the twins, as they would probably enjoy it. Sweet excess trappings aside, the lunch we had was decent enough, and we didn’t even have room for dessert after the bodacious burger and mile-high club. 

Rain was starting just as the afternoon began to ripen, and we didn’t quite make it home in time to beat it, but a hat for Kira and hood for me mean we stayed relatively dry where it mattered. We walked through the Fairmont Hotel to see their flowers, as the drab and dull winter day demanded some floral cheer… but more on that later. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

It can be awfully tiresome being the squeaky wheel.

Still, no one squeaks more beautifully than me. 


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Dazzler of the Day: Joe Phillips

The good news is that Joe Phillips finally has a few slots open for commissioned work; the bad news is that his formidable skill and talent will likely mean these slots won’t be open for long. Phillips has been celebrated on this blog before, but given the fleeting nature of people, and the precarious state of the world, I believe in celebrating our living artists while we can, and while they might be able to appreciate it. For that reason, among many others, he earns this Dazzler of the Day crowning. Costume and play are often intertwined with the life of an artist, and in addition to his phenomenal artistic work, Phillips crafts looks that are worthy of museum-installation iconography. Knowing exactly what features to accentuate, and how to achieve the unmistakable elements of a design to convey precisely a specific character, time or place is a talent that takes years to hone and perfect. It’s all part of the artistic package and the magic that Phillips conjures whenever one is in his presence. Check out further evidence of his brilliance at his website here.

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A Boston Tease

A quick and relatively quiet weekend adventure in Boston is previewed here, as Kira and I spent our last weekend in town together until probably summer, thanks to booked schedules and the business of work and life that seems to always be in the way. Our Boston weekends together have provided a bit of a respite for winter doldrums and the general malaise of growing older, and I will miss them in the coming weeks, but we have spring duties to perform, and many happy memories of previous Boston getaways, such as listed below… 

Kira and I first met in Boston during our stint at John Hancock way back in 1998. We hit it off, being of entirely different dispositions and sensing that the other might help enrich our lives, and hung out until I left for Chicago and she moved to Florida, in both cases for men who would not end up staying with us forever. Ten long years passed until we reunited in Boston, and since then we’ve been meeting up and making the most of the city.

Our first documented holiday stroll took place in 2012, but I believe the first actual stroll was the year before. Either way, it was a while ago, and a happy tradition that has somehow continued despite a few hiccups

When times were tough and we couldn’t do it in person, we did it virtually. 

Some of our times together were literally bloody.

And sometimes we made magic in the city, seeking out adventures in the night, following witches and warlocks, and finding our own mischief to manage.

Holiday strolls form some of our happiest recollections, as seen in our most recent one which incorporated a special guest star as well

As it looks like we won’t be back together until summer, I will look back at this summer jaunt from a while ago, and set our sights on this coming summer – always a fun stance.

Maybe we will rendezvous in Albany again this summer… 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

The most beautiful glass isn’t entirely clear.


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