Dazzler of the Day: Son Heung-Min

A recommendation from Suzie’s household, Son Heung-Min is our Dazzler of the Day, who has wowed football fans the world over for his on-field prowess and leadership for Tottenham Hotspurs. I like that team already. According to Suzie, he’s just pure class, full of sunny attitude, and friendly as fuck. More impressively to me, he was a Calvin Klein ambassador, who will likely be seen here again shortly.

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A Quick Blog Post Mostly by Suzie and Pat

It’s ok if the garlic dies.

It might be hardy enough.

I have to let the lilacs go.

If they grow back, great, if they don’t…

You know what’s going to survive?



And the holly.

That’s going to live.

Those roots are intense

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Every poo-poo time is a pee-pee time, but not every pee-pee time is a poo-poo time. Attributed to Tik Tok via Pat.


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Dazzler of the Day: Theo James

During the first season of ‘Downton Abbey‘ it was Theo James who ignited the most dramatic  fall-out following a dalliance with Lady Mary (and unfortunately expiring in her bed). Since then, he’s gone on to make a name for himself, and his body, with head-turning performances in ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’ and ‘The White Lotus‘. With this, he earns his first crowning as Dazzler of the Day, and these GIFs are more than ample justification for that… and more. 

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Ice & Danger

Like other intriguing double-sworded events, an ice storm can be as beautiful as it is dangerous (and fucking annoying). I captured these photos at about the same time that our interior house temperature fell to what was outside (just kidding, it only felt that way). As the power is not yet on as of the time of this writing, if you don’t hear from me I’m either unable to post or I’ve expired from the cold. Fingers-crossed. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Amelia Dimoldenberg

Amelia Dimoldenberg earns her first  Dazzler of the Day thanks to her hilarious web series ‘Chicken Shop Date’, which leaves celebrities feeling as awkward and confused as the rest of us. Her humor has struck such a chord that she helmed the red carpet festivities for the most recent Academy Awards show. 

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A Powerless Recap

This post is brought to you by the WiFi and electricity of Suzie and Pat, in whose home I currently write this recap, which will go live as we begin day three without electricity. The less said about that the better, so on with the weekly recap

Whipping the cream.

The first day of spring arrived – oh the irony!

A spring song for your listening pleasure. 

Reviving a Broadway tradition with mother

A blue bird for spring.

‘Da fuck outta here.

Madonna’s ‘Like A Prayer’ album turns 35.

How patchouli takes me back in time.

The BOLD and SEXY style of Luke Evans.

Some other spring.

The backless gown reveals the ass.

When a peek at Justin Timberlake’s abs still isn’t enough.

This week kicked my ass, and I felt it.

A meditation upon ice in spring.

Unwieldy lettuce has been the bane of the salad.

Dazzlers of the Day included Lena Waithe, Noah Williams, Gaby Vincent and Basil Seggos.

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Unwieldy lettuce is the bane of any salad. Do not be afraid to chop it up. 


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Dazzler of the Day: Basil Seggos

Full-disclosure: ultimately, if you follow my work office chain-of-command, this man is my boss. His name is Basil Seggos and he is the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, a position from which he recently announced he will be stepping down. He easily earns this Dazzler of the Day because his eight-plus years as our Commissioner is, quite literally, a record-breaking run: Seggos has served in this position for longer than anyone else ever has. During that time, he’s had to deal with increasing challenges and complexities as the world grapples with climate change, environmental justice, and the constant intertwining of politics that is part of every state agency. Throughout it all, he’s maintained a focus fixed on the mission of our agency, while keeping an eye and a helpful push toward diversifying our work-force. In the few meetings I’ve had with him, he’s always been open to different ideas and viewpoints. In a recent interview with ‘City & State NY’ he said, “When we hit that point when we’re representative of New York state, we’re gonna be more effective as an agency because people will see themselves in us and want to be part of this agency and ultimately make us better as we do our important work in every community in their state.”

Being a commissioner is a tough balancing act, and there will always be contingents and people who have an issue or critique of how things are handled; Seggos has been open to those criticisms, and even set up open-door office hours where employees were free to discuss whatever they wanted with him. While he’s been coy about what’s next, his love for the state of New York and the mission of environmental conservation will surely play a part in whatever lucky entity ends up utilizing his talents. 

{Requisite Personnel plug: if you’re looking for a rewarding career in Environmental Conservation, please visit the employment page of the DEC website here.}

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A Meditation Upon Spring Ice

The bare reddish branches of our Japanese maple tree crackled and dripped with ice while the snow changed to sleet and freezing rain. A pretty sight, it was also disheartening, coming as it does at the point where we have already, in mind, heart, and calendar days, moved into spring. Not wholly unexpected or undeserved, our mild winters tend to make up for their lack of early zeal with an extended and drawn-out few weeks of wintry nonsense. 

There is no rushing what nature is going to do. Keeping this in mind, and accepting it sooner rather than later, is a key component of one’s daily peace, and a helpful lesson for life in general; there will aways be things and events and people who are beyond our control or influence. These things don’t know or care whether you may be affected or bothered by their actions, and they never will be. Giving oneself over to this bit of powerlessness is part of growing up. It’s also a part of being at peace as a grown-up

Some music then, for rumination and contemplation. Sit with me for a moment while it plays. It’s called ‘Spring Snow’ because being literal is usually the easiest course to take.

Even the sturdiest branches, as bare and light of leaf as they are right now, bend and droop beneath the weight of the ice. Looking as forlorn as some slow-moving funeral procession, the branches of dogwoods and grasses gently sway in their mournful stance, waiting for the hug of spring to offer comfort – though none is to be had on this frigid day. The temperature is moving in the wrong direction, and so they shudder, still unable to shirk off the ice on their backs. 

Whenever I want to rush ahead, especially in the first days of spring, the universe has ways of forcing a pause, and rather than finding frustration or antibusiness here, I find a welcome pocket of time in which to slow down, to let the day crawl for a bit. Rushing through life is no way to live; you simply miss too much.

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Some Weeks Kick Ass, Some Weeks Kick Your Ass

Does the week begin on Sunday or Monday? It’s always infuriatingly debatable, and our world has had enough of debates and both sides and binary bullshit. I’m taking this Saturday night as the end of the week, because it was a week that kicked my ass and it needs to be over. We were scheduled to be in New Jersey for my late Uncle’s celebration of life service, but storms and bad weather caused Mom to wisely cancel the trip. It’s a shame we can’t see and be with family, especially all that’s happened in the past year, but we will make it up later in the season when there is no more threat of snow and ice. Those days are coming, I have faith. 

As for these last few days, they have been… days. Maybe the expectations that spring always brings proved to be too great. Maybe the state of the world and how toxic it feels that everything has gotten are finally getting to me. Maybe I’m just feeling beat-down by a week of therapy, doctor’s appointments, prescription pick-ups, and the meat-free Fridays of Lent I’ve been guilted into practicing. (Thank you to Catholicism and my former life as an altar boy!) 

Rather than fight the malaise or change the narrative by some false buoying of spirits, I’ve been facing the sadness and downtrodden days. It hasn’t even been close to a year since Dad died, and this winter, while relatively benevolent, seems to be sticking around (judging by the snow and ice that’s suddenly back). In my daily meditations, I’ve been refocusing on what I’ve felt during the day, acknowledging those moments of doubt and worry, allowing the space to be a little less of what I’d like to be, and going a little easier on myself when my picky, persnickety perfectionist tendencies drag me down. 

At both my doctor’s appointment and therapy sessions, when mention of my Dad arose, I said I was doing ok, and as soon as I said it I knew the next day or two would bring moments where I suddenly wasn’t ok, because that’s what seems to be happening. And then I hear from friends who understand, who have been through it, and who say that’s the way it usually goes. There isn’t a finite end date for grief, and for someone whose Virgo-nature likes a schedule and a plan, that’s difficult to accept. My head knows this, and understands this, and works to embrace this; my heart is in a messier state, and I’m learning to accept the mess. 

Coated in ice, our Japanese umbrella pine and a stand of hydrangeas bow beneath the weight. It is the weight of a storm, and the weight of a bad week. And in all things that weep, there is beauty here. 

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A Peek At Justin Timberlake’s Abs

When all else fails on a new album promotion plan, it’s often wise to go shameless, and shirtless. Justin Timberlake has employed such a shirtless move in the past, and it’s worked. Now that his new album isn’t quite the blockbuster success previous efforts have been, we get just a hint of former naked glory in the featured shot here. Isn’t it as revealing or provocative as previous poses and pics? Not even close. But maybe a tease is better than a blatant delivery? Meh… not in these parts. 

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The Backless Gown Reveals the Ass

When they make you put on something this atrocious with your ass just hanging out, how does one’s blood pressure do anything BUT go up? Ridiculous. Anyway, I have reached the age of scheduled colonoscopies and shit (hopefully not in close proximity to each other) and here I am modeling the latest in Physician Examining Room apparel (put that on your roster of ballroom looks). If anybody knows anyone who can get me in for the ass-probing in the near future around the Albany area, please DM me. It’s all but impossible to get anyone to look at my ass these days, and scheduling a colonoscopy is proving just as difficult. Oh what a changed world

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Some Other Spring…

Along with Judy Garland, Billie Holiday has one of the most poignant, powerful, and moving voices in musical history. Both women were dealt difficult hands in life, and both seemingly did the best they could do with their immense talents, outrageous expectations, and the basic impossibility of being a woman at any stage of our human existence. To palpably convey such heartache is an art in itself – to do so with the exquisite gorgeousness that an artist like Billie Holiday can conjure is the stuff of the sublime, and we are all blessed for having heard it.

Here she sings ‘Some Other Spring’ and it’s the vibe of the week now that we’re in season.

You are invited to pause in whatever you’re doing, take a minute or two for yourself, and listen to this spring song. Make it a mini-meditative moment, the way any pause in the day can be if you focus and allow the worries in your mind to pass, even if it’s temporary. Put a pin in them – they aren’t going anywhere – and allow your mind and body to relax. With practice, this can happen at any point, under any duress. When the spring storms arrive, because they always do, you will be ready. 


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