Heavenly Summer

Ahh, summer.

Welcome again.

Your heat, your sun, your love

It’s simply divine.

Heavenly. And that puts us in the mind-frame of a song – a song that fits snugly into our coquette theme with its dreamy stylings and lush melody. 

“Coquettes are, but too rare. It is a career that requires great abilities, infinite pains, a gay and airy spirit. ‘Tis the coquette who provides all the amusements – suggests the riding-party, plans the picnic, gives and guesses charades, acts them. She is the stirring element amid the heavy congeries of social atoms – the soul of the house, the salt of the banquet.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Wanting your love to come into meFeeling it slow, over this dreamTouch me with a kiss, touch me with a kiss
Now you’re above feeling it stillTell me it’s love, tell me it’s realTouch me with a kiss, feel me on your lips

Because this is where I want to beWhere it’s so sweet and heavenly
I’m giving you all my, giving you all myGiving you all my loveGiving you all my, giving you all myGiving you all my loveAll my love

Summer so sweet, summer so heavenly. Summer so rife with memories… of Montana, of what must have been love, of getting pantsed and showing off my rear, of pride and guilt, of picking the beans, and of reading the rainbow. Summer is adept at seering certain moments into the memory. They remain embedded more powerfully than what happened yesterday, part of my make-up in a way that other memories can only echo. Summer makes for forever.

Needing you now to come into meFeeling it slow, over this dreamTouch me with a kiss, feel me on your lips
When you’re above feeling it stillTell me it’s love, tell me it’s realTouch me with a kiss, touch me with a kiss
Because this is where I want to beWhere it’s so sweet and heavenly

This heavenly song and moment work to forge another memory of love. Summer works that magic perhaps better than any other season. Summer makes us dance, it makes us want more. Summer makes us have fun, and start all sorts of adventures. It makes us want to play. And it makes us want to listen.

I’m giving you all my, giving you all myGiving you all my loveGiving you all my, giving you all myGiving you all my loveAll my love
And when you’re far away, I still feel it allAnd when you’re far away, I still feel it all the same
And when you’re far away, far away

Summer brings us back to childhood in the best possible way, burning away sadness and angst with a rose-tinted flame that gives light to all that was dark. For that reason alone, let us have summer, and let it burn brilliantly into our memory banks – with fire, with heat, with love…

I’m giving you all my, giving you all myGiving you all my loveGiving you all my, giving you all myGiving you all my love

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Summertime Begins

A sigh, now, at the onset of summer, and perhaps a little PTSD from the last sad summer we had. This one begins in the midst of a mini-heatwave, a proper start to the proceedings, and a reminder of sultry summer days past. Extreme heat does something different to the soul. It suspends things, slowing the world in stultifying fashion, as if it were the only way to survive. It’s summer’s way of warning us not to move too quickly through her beauty. Savoring the days, no matter what they may bring. 

Along those lines, our summer theme is entirely of the moment – ephemeral and fleeting and fabulously frivolous – the best things a summer can be. This shall be our Coquette Summer, as we have already promised with loads of Laufey and a preponderance of pink. While she is certainly bewitching, our song of the summer comes from Orville Peck, who recently made a very naked splash to christen the sunny season in hot and sweaty format

Catch ’em by surprise andChasin’ the horizonNothing holds me down
Askin’, “Where the time’s gone?”Dreamin’ with the lights onTryna keep your eyes onSomething along the rise

You and IBide our timeAnd IMiss summertime

The Coquette Summer is casual and breezy and like the old-school Crystal Light commercial that used Enya’s ‘Orinoco Flow’ to such wondrous effect. Summer is specific to every individual that way – my summer memories likely won’t dovetail with yours, though elements may be primally connected. A toast to that – to all of the things that summer means to all of the people – and let’s do it with a mocktail recipe as depicted here. 

Catch him on the run, theyPunish those who love youngNever right on time

Summer is a collection of myriad moments and moods, some disparate and disconcerting, some wholly fitting and embracingly comforting. It’s a song playing on the rickety old CD player by the pool, it’s a sudden rainstorm that sends the birds scattering, it’s a slumber in the attic for the kids because there is no more school to be had. It’s a road trip on pavement so hot that only the car’s AC will save you, a stand of water irises whose yellow blooms reflect upon still water like the flames of a multitude of candles, a rabbit munching on a patch of grass  – a rabbit that you don’t bother to shoo away because you’d rather not be bothered with mowing the lawn. 

Watch each other fallin’Always catch the call andWhistle while we’re walkin’Something inside me dies

Summer is a party, whatever constitutes a party these days. Gatherings of friends, whose hunger is always fueled by swimming – because nothing seems to fuel hunger more than swimming – are satiated by Andy’s expertise with our new grill, as piles of burgers and hot dogs and grilled vegetables mount on platters and plates carried in by willing children. 

You and IWhy? Oh, why?And I miss summertime

Summer is flowers and gardens and trees and grass. It winds its way around the heart like a vine that sleeps and creeps and leaps like most vines do. Summer is beautiful and insidious, a poisonous nectar that goes down much too sweetly, without any warning of tartness to hint at its sinister aspects. And it’s all so pretty no one seems to mind or question it. 

Summer unassailable.

Keep on rockin’, babyKeep on risin’ on the tide(Somewhere along the rise)

This summer is designed to be dreamy and romantic and coquettish in the most modern manner, giving in to the sumptuous opulence that frilly pink frivolity occasionally aims to achieve. Summer is meant to be silly.

And carefree.

Son of a gun and maybeWe’ll be riding all night(Something inside me dies)

Welcome to summer, and welcome to you, my dear friend, for whom I write this and share these photos. Summer is about friendship too, and sharing the days, whether they are sunny or rainy, still or stifling. High school may be over, but we’re still all in this together. 

You and I (you and I)You and IBy and byAnd II miss summertime
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Kiss My Pink Starfish

Somewhere in some other galaxy, on some other iteration of this website long-ago deleted and written over, this song had some far more innocent blog post to go along with it. I’m old enough to remember when Paris Hilton released it, back when I had little to no respect for her, and it was so good that I played it out for the whole summer of 2006. I don’t remember what I wrote about it then, only that it was one of the summer songs that I featured during the sunny time of the year. It came when the days were carefree, when the nights were filled with pool parties and friends and newly-planted gardens. It was a song reflective of such innocence – the musical embodiment of summer, when music made the memories that would last the longest. 

I don’t mind spending some time just hanging here with you
‘Cause I don’t find too many guys that treat me like you do
Those other guys all wanna take me for a ride
But when I walk, they talk of suicide
Some people never get beyond their stupid pride
But you can see the real me inside, and I’m satisfied…

On this evening before summer officially starts, the songs gets an updated treatment with Paris’ Version, which brings it neatly into our pink-hued coquette theme while largely retaining its original innocence. That’s not as easy as it might seem, even with the arrival of summer again; the innocent coquette is not necessarily an oxymoron, but one must work for it not to be. 

Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love, baby, I’ll show you mine
I can make it nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let’s see what this love can do
Maybe I’m perfect for you

Baby, baby, I could be your confidante
Come on over, show me if you’re down or not
That’s hot, make your whole jaw drop
Give you all that talk, finna ride with Paris
Outta everybody in the galaxy
You’re the only one I really want with me
Let’s sip, we like princesses
In the Miu Miu fits with the horse and carriage
Why shouldn’t we be with the ones we really love?
Now tell me, who have you been dreamin’ of?

The summer of 2006 feels so long ago, and many summers have come and gone since then, so much life – sprouting and growing and blooming and maturing – and now it feels like the years of fading have begun. That makes things glow differently, and in this second half of life, should I be so lucky to be hovering around the halfway mark (for nothing is ever guaranteed) I’m preparing for all the things a proper second act should be

Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love, baby
I’ll show you mine
I can make it nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let’s see what this love can do (Oh no)
Maybe I’m perfect for you

Like our modern coquette aesthetic this song reaches into the past while reimagining a freshness and newness not entirely unlike a virgin. It’s a lovely way of honoring the final evening of spring, and the night that will see us into summer. 

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A Boon of Iris Blooms

Every year I wait for the irises to bloom. While others surprise with an early start – hello peonies – or deliver right on scheduled time – hello dear lilacs – the irises always make me wait. It’s a game that goes back to 1987, when I planted my first Siberian iris from Faddegon’s. It had about five buds on it when purchased, and after it went into the ground I would religiously walk out to inspect it every day, waiting for the buds to swell and open.  

Eventually they did, and then all too quickly they were gone, withered by the oppressive heat that suddenly arrives for a few days every year around iris time. That only made me watch them more eagerly the following year, and every year thereafter. 

This year was no different – our Japanese iris, after a few years of extra-special care and pampering, had begun delivering blooms after a few years of neglect, and I could not wait to see their blooms, as this season we had the most ever – 40 flower stalks at last count! (I rarely use exclamation points seriously, so please mind this moment.)

While it felt like they took their time coming into bloom, they’re actually a little early for a Japanese iris – something that climate change seems to have a hand in shifting. I was especially anxious this year, so every day I would be out inspecting them, seeing if I could detect any slivers of purple showing through the green buds.

It was on Father’s Day when this boon of iris blooms deigned to begin its show, seemingly delivered by Dad, as if he knew how much I’d missed him that day. 

They float like magnificent butterflies, bobbing in the slightest breeze and gracefully carrying their beauty on regal stems. The universe sometimes grants solace in the form of beauty, healing in the blooms of a garden. 

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A Colonoscopy Odyssey: Part Two

My body did not wait until I finished the 8th glass of Gatorade and Miralax before it forced me into the bathroom and a veritable deluge exited my anus. My water broke, a baby was birthed, and flood-gates I never knew existed let all the fuck loose. This was an evacuation and exodus on a global scale. Remember when all that blood started gushing down the hotel hallway in ‘The Shining’? That was kid’s stuff. 

My ass as Mt. Vesuvius. This is a role it never wanted to play. 

After that initial expulsion/explosion, there was a little lull. ‘Is that all there is?’ I wondered. At such a moment, one might want to pause and take stock of one’s life. My mind went immediately to food, and all the things I wanted to eat as soon as this nightmare was over.

Andy’s carbonara – with all the butter and cream and garlic and goodness he puts into it. My Mom’s mushroom knishes – breaded and fried and buttery decadence in bite-size jewels of flavor. Suzie’s granola – she makes a mean damn batch of granola. This kimchi fried rice with a fried duck egg on top. The Dover Sole Meunière at Mistral… my eyes are practically misting at the thought of such food glorious food.

Meanwhile, the lull is almost over. I feel it, I sense it coming, I light this candle and watch it throw tears on my pillow… 

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A Colonoscopy Odyssey: Part One

It begins with the gurgling of an almost-empty stomach.

Two glasses of Miralax and Gatorade in, and the stomach has started a conversation with itself. I’d been on the recommended liquid diet for an extra day because I do not want anything to mess with the results of my first colonoscopy, and my first thoughts as this ordeal begins are all about food. 

Solid food. Rich, creamy, hot, fried, filling food. Any fucking food – I’d gladly gobble up a saltine or a Ritz like they were caviar on lobster right now. So no, I do not enjoy a liquid diet. That was news to me – I thought I might, and that it wouldn’t bother me. Not happening.

And so the stomach churns

A few more minutes remain before the third glass (I have to down a total of eight – for a full 64 ounces of blue gatorade and the first bottle of Miralax powder – then do it all over again tomorrow morning.)

Everyone says the prep is the hardest part, and I am dreading what might start shooting out of me at any moment, as much as I am worried about shitting the bed – something I have never done before in my life. I’m also concerned based on what people have told me about all the wiping and chafing that’s about to go down. A pack of Huggies baby wipes stands at the ready. Will 56 be enough? I wonder…

The stomach gives a moan and a yelp.

Strangely, I do not mind the blue gatorade that much. I thought I would. The orange stand-by is cooling in the fridge for tomorrow. I didn’t want to do all of one flavor because… boring! Once upon a drunken day I would have done all of this with vodka and had quite the time. Just kidding – you cannot do this with liquor (he said like some goddamn public service announcement). These internal dialogues should probably not find their way onto the internet, but what do I care? My ass is about to explode and there are no more fucks to give.

Third glass down, and almost halfway there. When does the madness kick in? I keep on waiting, anticipating, but I can’t wait forever… 

Ok, four glasses in and half-way done with the pitcher. Thank God I usually drink about eighty ounces of water a day (it’s true) because that has definitely helped prepare me for downing this much liquid in more or less a single sitting.

Oh… something just bubbled up big-time in the belly. It may not be happy with me. But after tonight I’ll tell it to talk to my butt if it wants to complain. 

Five glasses down and a lot more gurgling is happening inside. This doesn’t sound good. My stomach is talking back to me and it’s sassy as fuck. If I ever get out of this alive I’m gonna drown it in Buffalo chicken everything. That’ll show it. 

My tummy seems to be making gasps for air, and I rest my hand on it, silently apologizing for all that I’ve already done to it. I can’t even face my asshole for all the horrors I’m about to inflict on that. (I actually haven’t punished it as much as you probably think I have – and all that’s about to change tonight.)

Stepped away from the laptop around glass six, and now I’ve gulped down glass seven with just one more to go. Things are definitely in motion, and it’s almost time to shit, I mean shut this post down. 


{To be continued…?}

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A Shirtless Quintet

A lazy post filled by five shirtless men, with links to further evidence of their shirtlessness to fill the void as I evacuate mine. It begins with featured gent Luke Evans, who is brilliantly marketing his first fashion endeavor BDXY in his underwear, and I’m practically sold. 

For the second shot, you get a bonus of buns courtesy of Diplo, who never met a vacation scene he didn’t improve by dropping trou. 

A classic Maluma tease, in the grand tradition of nudity-teasing as seen here and here and here

Charlie Puth has proven he knows his way around a song, or a shirtless jog. He also likes to swing naked in his backyard, and perform other acts of skin-baiting-and-baring

Gloriously last and in no way least is the Calvin Klein ambassador Jeremy Allen-White, whose previous spreads have titillated and teased

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God Save My Ass

{Quiet, please, for this prayer circle.}

This is a day on which I have no idea what’s going to happen to my ass, but please God give me an ass to show everybody here that I did make something out of my life. Ok, I’m paraphrasing ‘Truth or Dare’ here, but in times of duress, I tend to turn to Madonna. In this case, I’m about to begin the final stages of prep for tomorrow’s colonoscopy, meaning I can only have liquids today, and in a few hours it’s 64 ounces of Gatorade mixed with Miralax. 

Do I dare document this ass-centric rite of middle-age passage? At the time of this writing, I haven’t decided. I’m told that once this process begins, I won’t have much time outside of the bathroom. Then again, that’s what laptops are for – and live-blogging the lead-up to a colonoscopy is just the sort of TMI antic that has made this blog what it is today. 

It’s always been about my ass.

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Shifty Spring

Sky is changeable.

Sky isn’t still.

Sky is sickeningly shifting.

Sky isn’t stagnant.

Sky is near the end of spring.

Sky is sly.

The best days of spring are usually at the very end rather than the very beginning. Winter is still making demands even after spring arrives, but at the end of spring a duet with summer is always welcome. This is the best crossroads of the year. 

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A Last Recap for This Spring

This is the week when we travel around the bend from spring to summer – probably the most wonderful turn of the year. This is also the week we are set to soar into the high 90’s – perhaps a bit too much a bit too soon, but we must not scare the sun away this early. More bothersome is the fact that this is the week I’m getting my first colonoscopy – a few years later than I should have (go at 45, not 48, unless there’s a worldwide pandemic). Maybe I’ll do a blog post or two on that, or maybe I’ll make better editing choices and leave it all behind the scenes. Stay tuned to see what happens – in the meantime, here is our weekly blog recap:

The week began with new views from new vantage points.

Cloud formation.

Orville Peck buck/butt naked.

This is precisely why Pride still matters.

The muted palette of a wildflower patch.

A song de coq.

Echoes of Orville Peck nude.

Strawberry bounce.

Lace and leather.

It’s so beautiful

A presence on the night wind.

Our first Father’s Day without Dad.

Let the serrated knife do the work it was designed to do.

Our Dazzler of the Day was the one and only Stevie Nicks, whom I got to see twice in a week, and she was just as legendary as promised. 

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A Potent Balm of Bee

This shockingly-hot pink variety of Monarda – better known as bee balm – called to me last year, and I promptly gave it a prominent place in the garden. Keeping it well-watered and pampered with a decent dose of manure and compost, I took extra special care of it. Most perennials require a year or two to really get going and show what they can do – and it is in this time when the care and watering is most important. 

After it finished its first bloom cycle, I cut it back about halfway down the stalks, hoping it would throw off a few flowers later in the season. Its color was so grand I wanted more. Rather than do that, however, it quickly became afflicted with a debilitating bout of mildew, its leaves shriveling and blackening like Dumbledore’s hand when he dared to destroy a horcrux. 

It died down tot he ground, something I’d never seen a Monarda do, but I had faith it would survive the winter, and come back in some form. As part of the mint family, they are scrappy survivors, even if mildew does wreak its havoc in our humid summers. This spring, only a few stems poked through the ground, but they grew well, and this one is now in glorious bloom. We shall see how it fares as the summer arrives and progresses. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Do not press down on the serrated knife. 

Let it do the work it was designed to do.


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A First Father’s Day Without a Father

One of my very first gardening lessons in life came from my Dad, who taught me how to prepare a garden bed for a row of tomatoes, and then carefully plant and cover them with soil, all the way up to their necks so the entire stem would start developing roots and provide a better support system. Fittingly, our very first tomato flowers are in bloom on this Father’s Day – the first which we will be commemorating without Dad

Dad had been on my mind recently, even before the barrage of Father’s Day e-mails and announcements. (Only one company was kind enough to include an opt-out of receiving Father’s Day promos – David Gandy’s Wellwear site, which sent out an e-mail asking if anyone would like to opt-out due to it being a sensitive holiday for some people. I decided to go that route – not because I’m particularly bothered by the world celebrating Father’s Day as it usually does, but because yes, sometimes it still stings to see any sort of father reference.) 

I realized that with the coming of summer, all the remembrances and feelings of last summer were coming back to mind – the angle of the sun, the heat in the air, and the way the warmth brought out scents in the room that ended up being his last room. The atmosphere had started to feel powerfully familiar, and while I dreaded it, I didn’t feel completely lost or despondent like I thought I would. There’s a comfort to when I think of him now, like he’s still here, still guiding me in his way which was always more silent than not. 

I will guide the tomatoes the way he taught me, and if my niece and nephews come around I’ll show them how too, hoping they will carry on his memory, and mine. 

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A Presence on the Night Wind

The first rustling was high in the boughs of the oak tree on the south side of our home. It moved to the nearby pine, then swooped down along the umbrels of the climbing hydrangea before weaving its way through the Chinese dogwood. In this night wind, I felt the distinct presence of my father, and I can’t quite explain why. The breeze moved from the dogwoods through the ferns, then back up through the highest branches of the seven sons flower tree, and then it disappeared for a bit. 

I went back to my impromptu dip of night-swimming, diving under where the water was gloriously warm after the cool night air. Then the wind came back again – starting in the oak and the pine, then skipping right over to the stand of Green Giant thuja, and the other seven sons flower tree. It was a playful night wind, slightly teasing and humorous in the way it flitted from tree to plant and then dissipated altogether before bounding back like an overzealous dog. 

Right above the pool, the Big Dipper carried its portion of the sky – at least I think it’s the Big Dipper. The only memory fragments left from my college Astronomy course consist of this tale of the guy who said ‘fag’ in front of me. Actual astronomy items of useful information have long ago fallen away. 

Winking from behind the trees, a half-moon played hide-and-seek as I swam into the deep end of the pool. Again, I felt my father’s presence – in the moonlight, in the stars, in the idea of all the space between where I was and where he might be. 

My father has been on my mind lately, as the fast approach of summer rekindles the atmosphere and environment of that scary section of the year in which he declined for the last time. Yet on this night, I didn’t feel scared. I didn’t feel sad. I felt his presence and I felt comforted. 

Also, I still miss him.

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It’s So Beautiful

It’s a beautiful day!

What are you doing looking at your phone or computer?

Shut that shit down.

Enjoy the sunlight. 

And if you’re really hard up for links, click here

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