

Summer Olympics Rio Recap ~ Part 1

This is the most I’ve ever watched of any Olympic Games, and it all comes to a close tonight. I’m not quite sure what I’ll do with my life until the Winter Games in 2018, but for now we have Rio – and what a wonderful trip it’s been. Things got off to a shiny, sculpted start thanks to the shirtless guy from Tonga.

The record-busting Michael Phelps went out with a gold-medal bang, adding to his compilation of 23 medals, but there were hungry sharks nipping at his heels, including his own country’™s brethren.

Nathan Adrian was one of the break-out stars, thanks to his naked booty and extreme tan lines.

Jimmy Feigen was part of a medal-winning relay team (before he got detained).

Adam Peaty was a British gold-medal dream.

Ryan Lochte continued to entertain and charm vandalize and lie, with his light blue hair and indomitable bulge.

Ning Zetao swam for the Chinese team, all with a winning smile.

Chad Le Clos momentarily took on the role of villain as he shadow-boxed in front of a visibly riled Michael Phelps (don’t poke the bear!) before one of their match-ups.

One more swimmer named Ryan ~ Ryan Held.

A bear was on the loose in the form of Nicolai Ceban.

A sexy pair… and a cute pair.

The US Men’s Gymnastics team faltered a bit compared to previous successful outings, but they were no less hunky for it.

Germany had the perfectly-coiffed Marcel Nguyen.

Running over the hurdles of sexiness was Devon Allen.

A last highlight of this first part: the Zac Efron doppelganger Michael Hixon, resplendent in a Speedo.

More to come…

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