

Bette Davis Played Here

Our vacation in Maine had come to its close, and for our last night we had dinner at Gypsy Sweethearts and took in ‘Young Frankenstein’ at the Ogunquit Playhouse. While I’m not in any way a Mel Brooks fan, I found the show funny and pleasantly diverting, and the performers were excellent across the board. Of course, that’s to be expected of the legendary Playhouse, where Ms. Bette Davis herself used to tread the boards. As for the show itself, aside from some show-stopping production numbers, I was amused but not entirely impressed. Chalk it up to a failure on my part in appreciating that sort of Brooksian humor.

On our way out of town, we stopped for one final fried clam platter. The wind had moved in, and the air was cooler. The gripping heat-wave of the previous week had broken. It was the first time I felt the tentative approach of fall. The goldenrod along the roadside echoed the hint. Still, there is much summer yet to be had, and we are in no way going to rush through it so soon. The fact that we got to spend a week of it in Maine was a rare treat.

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