

Miscellaneous Men, With & Without Underwear

When in doubt, smut it up. That’s the axiom of this site, and it will be for some time. In this instance, a spattering of former Hunks of the Day (and maybe one not-yet-christened guy) along with several photos of theirs that didn’t make the initial cut. The first cut may be the deepest, but these follow-ups are nothing short of fantastic.

First we have Dan Osborne, up top, who has been here many times. Count with me – one, two, three, four, five… Check the archives for the rest.

Chris Evans can always be counted on for some sexy shirtlessness, though he’s been rather stingy with it of late. Here’s hoping he returns to all his glory in the near future.

Edilson Nascimento has yet to be featured as a Hunk of the Day, but his time will come.

Austin Armacost usually likes to feature his butt, but this time it’s what’s up front that’s drawing all the focus, while Greg Rutherford amps it up for the gingers (even if you can’t tell in black-and-white.)

Another “A-Lister” – Rodiney Santiago – gives a peek of his derriere.

Finally, we have Russell Tovey, an across-the-pond hottie who has been here before.



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