

Justin Timberlake Gets Super Naked

The last time Justin Timberlake was at the Super Bowl, he was aiding Janet Jackson in the wardrobe-malfunction heard round the world. I’m not sure why they played it off like that; he clearly ripped off the tear-away patch of fabric covering her pierced boob in a move obviously choreographed to the minute. “Gonna have you naked by the end of this song,” indeed. He came out of that relatively unscathed – it was a different time then. Only the owner of the exposed nipple got all the outrage. I’d love to see what would happen if they repeated that scene this year.

That’s not going to happen, as JT’s star has risen to the point where he has to play it safe or risk alienating the adoration and love of the mainstream pop culture world. Tonight’s Super Bowl Halftime show will likely prove what a stellar performer he is, and even if it pales in comparison to the epic production that Madonna brought to her Patriots game, I’m confident he can pull off a compelling performance.

In honor of the really big show, here’s a look back at some of Timberlake’s memorable posts, beginning with this magnificent manspread moment. He probes a little deeper in an amazing crotch grab gif here. Meanwhile, the simplicity of Timberlake’s naked ass is on display to fine effect here. Recently he heralded his beast meat in the new ‘Filthy’ single. If there are any Madonna fans out there, they will remember her collaboration with Timberlake here. Finally, a larger version of the naked butt GIF below can be found here, because a naked Justin Timberlake can never be too big. 

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