
True Blue in an Almost-Pink Sky

The battle for the sky, and so many other things, is often fought by blue and pink. Lately my money’s been on the pink – it’s a coquette summer after all. Here we have a bit of a draw – in song and appearance – and the wistful sense of longing inherent in such a post speaks directly to our coquette theme. True blue, baby, I love you

At the moment we are hurtling toward another full moon – and many of us are most definitely feeling it. Lunacy is real y’all. Luna is the moon, and you are all lunatics. It’s ok. So am I. Let’s have our moon madness, harnessing its often-frantic energy and driving it like one of those sand worms in a damn ‘Dune’ movie. 

Oh dear. This was supposed to be a calming and peaceful post. But when the skies are unsettled, pretty though they may be, the heart and head feel unsettled too. 

Let us return to the sweetness of this song then, originally made famous by Madonna – which reminds me we are long overdue for the next Madonna Timeline installment. Any requests? Just kidding, I don’t take requests for that, other than what the random shuffle feature deigns to land on next. Does this sound as crazy as I think it does? Don’t tell me. I already know.

So if you should ever doubt, wonder what love is all about, just think back and remember dear, those words whispered in your ear…

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