
The Evening Song in the Morning

With Mercury in retrograde and a full moon coming up later in the week, things seem to be a little topsy-turvy, and I’m doing my best to lie low and stay out of the wrecking ball’s path. Putting on ‘Evening Song’ first thing in the morning, on a Tuesday that already feels burdened by clouds and rain, is how I will endeavor to begin. Philip Glass has a way of lulling one into a state of hopeful resignation through his undulating patterns, and that’s the sort of vibe we need today. 

A sense of transformation informs some of his work, the way the world changes from shades of gray to full color when certain people enter and exit during the course of a day. Some speak more in their absence than with their presence, and I’ve always wanted to be one of those people. The ones who leave an impression so astounding that they are talked about more when they are not in a room than when they might be in it. The ones who elicit a sigh or a click of consternation when you catch their fragrance. The ones who matter when so many of us simply don’t. 

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