The story of ‘Grey Gardens‘ came to musical life on Broadway a number of years ago, and Andy and I were lucky enough to see the original cast perform their wondrous magic on a frigid January night. Near the end of that show was one of the saddest songs ever written for a musical – ‘Another Winter in a Summer Town’ – and it opines on the misery of living in a resort town on the shore during the winter months. While it’s undeniably a sad scene, there’s a spirit of resilience to it, one that embodies those who survive a winter in a place known mostly for summer.
One little leaf adrift in the breeze
Refuses to fall from the sky Blown by the wind It clings to the trees Unwilling to wither and dieI think of that song whenever I see an artifact of summer covered in snow. There’s such a element of sadness and loss to it, and I don’t know why. There is always another summer to come, whether we will be here or not. Time moves regardless of people.
Yesterday’s dreams are faded bouquets (Only a rose)
Roses that died on the vine (just a memory divine) Yesterday seems more real than today (of love, when sweet) It’s difficult drawing the line (youth was mine)The slumber of our backyard seems deceptively calm. Even in the storms and wind and endless nights, it feels quiet and still from behind glass doors. And I can remember – the splashing of pool water, the laughter of kids, the frogs singing in the humid nights – I can remember summer.