

Silver Light

The immaculately-talented singer Linda Eder first cast her spell on me when I saw her in ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ on Broadway. Since then I’ve been a fan, catching her live on occasion and thrilling at how she performs a song. This one has changed and come to mean different things over the years. I won’t bore you with what it means to me now – take it in and make it your own story.

On frigid winter mornings, the light is silver, the music is another memory waiting to be made, and the past is a comforting torment. 

Even now…I remember all the empty spacesYou filled with loveEven now…Every corner of the world we sharedIs still filled with loveEven now…not a day goes byWhen I don’t ache for youThrough my tears I still hear your laughter even now
Stars still shine bright when they’re goneHearts that break will still beat onLetting go is the hardest thing to doCause all those feelings startAnd time can’t change my heartIt all leads back to you

Even now…you are in my dreams and in my dreamsYou always will beEven now…You’re the one true thing that brings my heartBack home to meWhen I’m scared…I can close my eyesYou are there…Ever youngAnd somehow, I can always find you even now
From all the memories kept insideTo all the dreams we knew, the rush of youWill always be a part of me
Even now…you are in my dreams and in my dreamsYou always will beEven now…You’re the one true thing that brings my heartBack home here to meEven now…in my darkest nightStill you shine silver lightSo I fall through forever with you even now

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