
Reflections of Bewitching Patriotism

Bewitched, bothered and bewildered… check, check, and double-check. History, even the worst of it, repeats itself when we should have learned better. Debriefed in the literal sense of losing my briefs, I feel raw and naked on this day of independence. Such exposure is not new to this blog, but the fatalism and sense of dread and defeat in the air is something different

Shall we have some music then? Something to mirror the summer vibes of a poolside escape, or a bit of night-swimming before the crickets begin their late summer song

Let’s have decadence in the face of all this depravity – the only way to get through this summer is to shut off the news and focus on what is real, what is here, what is actually happening. The strength of the sunlight and the way it wavers on the water… the sweet scent of privet in bloom… the hunger and exhaustion that happily overcomes the body after a day of swimming… 

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