

Poussez My Bussy

Cuchi, cuchi and ooh la la and everything sexy Frenchie…

This is Poussez and I’m having a 70’s summer disco moment!

It is not my habit to employ many exclamation points because they are too often misconstrued, departing from what I originally intended to convey – and since that changes from point to point, with varying degrees of exclamation, it’s as much my fault as the reader’s. You are exonerated, assuming you’re still with me and reading these words. That will hopefully get harder if/when you press play on the song below. Go on, click it – you know you want to… spin us back to the disco and the dance-floor.

We need some sort of release right about now. It’s Friday – we have arrived at the front door of the weekend – and ooh, la, la let’s just get down and dirty from the very damn beginning. Since I was but a baby as the 70’s were ending their storied tacky fabulousness, I hold no memories of dancing in some ‘Saturday Night Fever’ disco ball hall, but I did my fair share of imagining, and these days that’s the safest way to participate.  

By the way, ‘Poussez’ loosely translates as ‘push’, and if you don’t know what the bussy is, well, you can look it up on your own computer. I won’t sully these pages with such gorgeous atrocities. Besides, my bussy is already all over these parts. See my Insta. See my Threads. Wait, don’t… 

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