

Once Upon a Fairy’s Playlist…

Forming the Preamble to ‘The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale’, the following playlist was actually burned to CDs and sent out to my friends before that fateful tour even began. Hey, it was 2005 – I’m not even sure we had playlists then. The musical selections for this portion of the Divine Diva project were designed to be quietly enchanting, with an element of whimsy, highlighting the fairytale aspect of what was to come. This is very much moody music, conjured for atmosphere and ambiance, to set a tone of dream-like intrigue and fantasy. It’s also night music, for drifting off to sleep on clouds of sheep and rolling hills of cotton candy. Compile and play accordingly, tomorrow we tour… 

~ Beautiful Dreamer

~ Prologue

Vois sur ton chemin

~ Fairytale

~ Dance of the Swans

~ I Could Have Danced All Night

~ Champagne Time

~ I Melt With You

~ A Sorta Fairytale

~ Sleeping Beauty Waltz

~ City of Quartz

~ The Lilac Fairy

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