

Dazzler of the Day: Taylor Swift

This Dazzler of the Day is dedicated to the owner of dp: An American Brasserie, whose adoration of Taylor Swift got me re-thinking my lackadaisical lack of enthusiasm for her early years. A performance with Madonna and two of the best albums of the decade, released just months apart, turned me into a die-hard fan. She’s now officially the Dazzler of the Day, an honor Taylor-made for someone with such multi-layered talents. For evidence of her musical dazzle, do yourself a favor and check out ‘folklore‘ and ‘evermore‘ – they’re the greatest hours of musical atmosphere we’ve had in a long time – and perfect for these trying days. Swift conjures a sonic land of enchantment while exploring ever-mounting emotional complexities that love and loss and the inevitable creep of time render into poetic form. It puts her previous musical efforts into clearer focus, making a revisiting of past work something you should put on your to-do list. (And then grab a bite at dp: An American Brasserie where you might find a cocktail named ‘Tis the Damn Season‘, ‘The Archer‘, ‘Bad Blood’ or ‘Lover‘ if you’re lucky.)

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