

Here & Now, Work & Play

“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” ~ Alan Watts

Any Alan who spells their name the right way is a good Alan as far as I’m concerned, so Alan Watts gets due homage with this quote, which dovetails neatly with the meditation and mindfulness practices that inform my life right now. Re-framing one’s life takes time and effort, but it’s a way of rectifying the past while making peace with it, honoring its place while moving onward. It is sometimes a huge lift – re-shifting things that have settled over forty plus years is no quick or easy task usually, but when the mind is ready, it is happily possible, and the rest of the world seems to aid in every step along the way. 

Seeing the work of a day as a form of play recalls the simple lessons of Mary Poppins, long and sadly forgotten by those of us well into our adulthood. “In every job that must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and – SNAP! – the job’s a game!”

Even better, every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake, and in these parts cake is almighty. 

On that note, ‘A Spoonful of Sugar‘ gets the full-on and proper Lawrence Welk treatment. Feel free to clap along. (I absolutely adore a clap-audience moment as Suzie well knows.)

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