

Half an Hour, Approaching Peace

My daily meditation has ticked up to 30 minutes, just in time to find an extra minute of calm per day as winter’s last month decides whether or not to leave in peace. For the most part, my meditation takes place right after my work day, to differentiate work from home in a work-from-home situation, and that placement is ideal. Sometimes, though, the day slips away, and I’m called to do other things and make other trips. On those days the meditation gets pushed off into the night, when the only light is a lamp and a candle. There is peace there too, and this is actually when I started meditating well over a year ago. The world is much different now, but the meditation has remained the same. In fact, it’s grown to the full half-hour, a lovely window of time that allows for further expansion of the space and peace that seeps so beautifully into every other aspect of life – which is the real gift of meditation. 

When you find that space, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day, it’s something you can access, often in lesser form, at those times when you need it most. We all have stressful moments – they seem to be coming in regular tidal wave fashion these days – and no amount of meditation will quell the worst of them, but taking the edge off and calming those minor ones contributes to an overall quieting of such maelstroms. Every little bit helps, and cumulatively meditation has eased the past year and all the tribulations we’ve had. The lesson in that is that no matter how small or insignificant some things may seem, when done en masse and every day, they add up to great changes, miraculous changes that shift one’s entire existence. And little changes are easy to make, especially when taken in little steps. 

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