
Awakening to Awareness ~ Part Five

“When we start off in life, we look at reality with wonder, but it isn’t the intelligent wonder of the mystics; it’s the formless wonder of the child. Then wonder dies and is replaced by boredom, as we develop language and words and concepts. Then hopefully, if we’re lucky, we’ll return to wonder again.” ~ Anthony de Mello

The world whipped my butt this week (stop asking for photos of that) and so I’m taking this time and doing my best to turn it into a learning experience. I had a tremendous therapy session which helped a great deal, because once in a great while the universe saves you when you least expect it but need it the most.

This week’s awareness quote from Anthony de Mello is the aspirational motivation I need to keep going in these uncharted times. It may help to turn what might first be perceived as difficult and different into something challenging and wondrous – an adventure that one can learn from and embrace, a trial that might make us all better in the long run. That’s always hard to see in the first moments of hardship and confusion, and our initial instincts may be to lash out or hide the pain within. Neither is very conducive to growth or improvement

At a time in our history when we are being forced to slow down and consider our actions more than any other in my lifetime, perhaps the universe is reminding us to reconnect with the basic tenets of what makes us human. To find the wonder and exuberant innocence of a child, to step back and away from the language and concepts and social constricts we have artificially created to distract and entertain ourselves from the natural beauty of the world.

This site leans toward that beauty. I strive to find the pulchritude of a flower, a leaf, a bird, a cloud, a plate of food, a drink garnished with verbena, a colorful scarf, a sparkling bauble, or a photograph outlining the gorgeous contours of the human body. The beauty of a song, the memory evoked by a certain melody, a fragrance that recalls the first day of summer after a whole year of school that ran all the way through June.

In beauty there is wonder. There is all that we don’t and never could understand. It is a strange thing to reach for that kind of wonder. Strange and beautiful and, well, wonderful.

{See also Awakening to Awareness: Part One, Part Two and Part Three and Part Four.}

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