

Approaching Spirituality, Always

“Spirituality dawns when individuality vanishes. When our ego becomes aware of something that is higher than it – the individual Spirit, or Soul; then spirituality dawns.” ~ Swami Rama

One of the best realizations in recent years has been understanding that my entire life will only ever be a state of barely approaching some sort of enlightenment or spirituality. For a previous-perfectionist, that’s not a simple statement to make, or an easy acknowledgment to admit, yet it’s been one of the greatest things for helping me evolve into someone a little kinder, and a little more understanding. As someone who enjoys a challenge, it also inspires me to push against years of socially-conditioned behavior, even as I thought I was going against everything. A little bit of humility goes a long way, and admitting your failings and flaws is the absolute best way to improve, or simply accept who you are. Sometimes, the worst things we think of ourselves aren’t really bad at all – they tend to be more about perception and inner-analysis. Letting go of that is another step closer to finding peace, or spirituality.

That’s the other idea I’ve been slowly coming to understand: whatever name you assign to it – spirituality, inner-peace, calm, tranquility, mindfulness, centeredness – it’s all the same thing. It is, at its heart, a connection of the soul to the universe. Finding that place – our place – while we are on this earth, is the journey we are all making, whether we realize it or not. I’ve only just begun, and it is challenging, rewarding, and enlightening work. 

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