
A Meditation on the Verge Of Mercury

We dive into a few weeks of Mercury in retrograde motion starting tomorrow, September 10th, and no one is ready or wants it to happen, but humans have no say or control over the heavenly bodies nor the earth’s own motion. In preparation for this, I’ve been mediating consistently for 20 minutes every day, which is my usual practice. It brings my baseline down a bit, allowing for the rollercoaster of Mercury in retrograde to be slightly less tumultuous. 

These periods are often viewed with dread and apprehension, and I succumb to that a fair share of the time. When things go wrong and disrupt the daily schedule, that’s tough for a Virgo to take. This time around, I’ll try to roll with the punches, accept the little snafus that are a basic part of life, and bend with the winds rather than trying to rigidly resist them. 

My daily meditations will continue, and I will attempt to be a bit more mindful outside of those sessions, bringing the practice into every waking moment. That takes some effort and focus, and that’s the point. When the mind hones in on being mindful and present, it has less time and space to be bothered by petty concerns and worries. The simple slowing of one’s breath – and indulging in each slow inhale and exhale – can be a soothing method of instantly calming down when you get stuck behind a school bus or find your computer being difficult. It also reminds me of how silly those annoyances are, and how silly so much of life is, and that’s a good reminder for anyone as serious as I can too often be. 

Let’s get through this Mercurial madness together, being mindful, being present, being open to change and the unexpected turns of the day. 


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