

A Cleansing Shower

Since Thanksgiving (and perhaps slightly prior) I’ve been on a bit of a sugar tear, devouring cookies and ice cream and sweet treats as if there was a sugar shortage (and given that it’s still 2020, there may just be). That didn’t bode well for my figure, but I’m indulging and enjoying these last few weeks of a year that had otherwise been horrid. I’ll get back on the fitness wagon come January, which is a drag, but a good way to pass the first couple of winter months. That’s all a bit ahead. Right now, my belly is full with a gigantic chocolate chip cookie that just came out of the oven.

With all the sugar flowing through my system, I’ve been a bit more hyper than usual, and that has, in turn, made my daily meditations slightly askew. Clocking in at 27 minutes, there’s a decent stretch of time in which the mind can travel unless kept in strict check – something that’s more difficult to do when riding the sugar crest. I’ve noticed my thoughts wandering more, and being in the midst of the holiday season doesn’t help. To combat that, I will sometimes combine my meditation with a nightly shower, and somehow by the end of both I will hopefully have found some sort of calm, and a more peaceful and less frenzied frame of mind.

The kind of mindfulness needed to combat the holiday mayhem is not the easy and casual sort so quickly referenced in passing new-age fancy and quasi-spiritual quests. This is a mindfulness that takes effort, and in that exertion is the method of cleansing the mind that works if you truly engage and focus. Such mindfulness is not a passive thing, especially at this time of the year.

In the words of Britney Spears, “Work it out, work it out, work it out, work it out…”

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