
Project of the Past: StoneLight

Our homebound circumstances showing no signs of letting up, here is the start of a limited filler-series spotlighting former projects. First up is ‘StoneLight‘ from 2007, which feels like a lifetime ago. Who is that naked guy coaxed into a stillness as solid as stone, touched only by the light, and the shadows? C’est moi!  It formed the naked-ass impetus for my very first gallery show ‘The Eye of the Ego’ the following year. More moving to me was the dawn of the realization that I was documenting what would one day be no more – youth and innocence and abs – in the ongoing quest for an identity I sought to both embrace and destroy. ‘StoneLight’ was an effort to still time, to capture and freeze a moment, to bend and twist the cruel ticking of the clock. A futile effort like it always would be, it partially succeeds because the images are still here, even though thirteen years have passed.

Crumbling gravestones will not mark the dead forever. I do not have the faith in humanity to believe this earth will spin on in perpetuity. Look around – we inch closer to its destruction at an increasingly alarming rate. But for this moment, for this corner of the internet, perhaps I have slowed or given pause in the rush of living and dying. When light and shadow work together, the beauty of their marriage creates a magic that lasts a little longer than it should by traditional measures and means.

See the rest of ‘StoneLight’ here.

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