

The Rebel Returns

It’s been a long stretch since the last Madonna Timeline, but today she returns in grand form with the title track from her latest album, ‘Rebel Heart’. It’s a rather special entry, coming on the eve of my 40th birthday – a perfectly-timed arrival for a milestone that often triggers some introspective reflection. I don’t quite intend to have a nervous breakdown over it, but you never know how such things will play out. In fact, in writing the new timeline, and my birthday post, there may have been a mini-drama-meltdown, but I’m still here so it didn’t end completely badly.

As for Madonna, she’s nearing the opening of her ‘Rebel Heart Tour’ and there is electric excitement in the air. For today, though, a little litany of some of the more meaningful timeline entries that have moved me the most over the years, starting with my favorite Madonna song, ‘Drowned World/Substitute for Love’.

One of the most beautiful and heartfelt songs she has ever written, and the one that turned me into a super-fan, is ‘Promise to Try’. I liked it so much I even toyed with the idea of using it as my yearbook quote: I fought to be so strong, I guess you knew I was afraid you’d go away too.

Even in her quieter songs, she still manages to make an impression, as heard in 1994’s ‘I’ll Remember‘ – a song that snuck up on me and captured a moment of brittleness.

Along those lines, and going back even further, ‘Crazy For You‘ made a distinct and memorable influence upon my boyhood, resonating with a longing that would last through the years as I tried so hard to control my heart.

I’ve been on the verge of disowning my behavior and countenance during the obsessive time that ‘You Must Love Me‘ came out, but it’s part of the history, part of the timeline, and part of the nonsense that made me into what I am today. Be careful of being too quick to alter the past. Everything has happened for a reason. ‘You’ll See’.

Even if you ‘Live to Tell’ there are times you may feel like you are ‘Falling Free‘ but that’s when you need to ‘Take A Bow‘ and realize that you, yes you, are indeed a ‘Masterpiece’.

Now, rouse your rebel heart and get ready to take the road less traveled… a new Madonna Timeline is coming up later today.

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