

The Birth of a Queen

It’s Madonna’s birthday, so I have to send some Happy Birthday wishes her way (even if she’ll never get them). She picked a good month in which to be born; August babies are special, as she has shown time and time again. While most of my strongest Madonna Timelines tend to deal with the darker, sadder memories, as this is a happy occasion I’m going to keep it light, focusing on some of the sillier, funny entries in that series. After all, it began with a simple call to ‘Dance and sing, get up and do your thing’, and until the end that will be one of the main things she’s brought to my life: unabashed joy, happy revelry, and a glorious bit of infectious escapism that makes every day feel like it’s your birthday.

Cherish – This 1989 track is redolent of the crux of August and September, that bit of late summer sun and sorrow that heralds the start of school and the end of vacation, but when love is in the air, and the sounds are this sweet, it looks like things will turn out all right in the end.

Love Makes the World Go Round – The stuff of bedroom dance routines and Saturday nights spent in front of the television. A child of the 80’s, I watched ‘The Facts of Life’ and dreamed of having a friendship like the one between Blair and Jo. (You don’t need to guess who’d be Blair.)

Ray of Light – At the very start of summer, I was flying through Copley Square, backed by a zephyr, propelled by a song, and screaming like a teenage girl.

True Blue – The happy heart of the matter will always come down to friendship – the kind that lasts longer than a summer, the kind that’s true.

Celebration – A party song that goes a little deeper, because sometimes the summer nights are the darkest.

Where’s the Party – A party song that doesn’t go deeper, because sometimes you have to make the party last all night.

Music – For those times when you just wanna dance with your baby.

Give Me All Your Luvin’ – L.U.V. Madonna – and Happy Birthday!!!

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