

The Anniversary of Madonna’s Arrival

It’s been more than a hot minute since we’ve celebrated Madonna on this site, mostly because she’s reportedly been in editing mode for the long-awaited ‘Madame X Tour’ and however the hell it’s going to be presented, and her biopic, the status and form of which I’ve lost track. I’ll always be a Madonna fan, but the stand days may be done, and that’s cool. These days, I’m anxiously awaiting her next musical move, because it’s time. Her last album came out two years ago, and this is a long stretch without any musical motion on her part. Perhaps she’ll pull some amazing double-album surprise drop, but that feels like too much to wish for. In the meantime, and in honor of her birthday today, here are a few links to some online moments that celebrate the woman who’s been my main muse for the last three decades. 

Before a proper day of celebration, a good night’s sleep is important. Enjoy this ‘Bedtime Story’ to send you to dreamland.

When all else fails, and you long to be something better than you are today, I know a place where you can get away… 

I have no choice, I hear your voice.

I can dress like a boy, I can dress like a girl. Keep your beautiful words

What do I remind you of? Your past, your dreams, or some part of yourself that you just can’t love

I took a trip, it set me free – forgave myself for being me.

Sex, love, and erotica.

The face of you, my substitute for love.

Happy Birthday, Madonna ~ thanks for being there for all these years. 

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