

Madonna Re-Re-invented

Gloriously up-cycling a corset from her Re-Invention Tour (how has it been twenty years since that blessed event?) Madonna ate at her own post-Oscars bash, known simply as ‘The Party‘. Perhaps her nostalgic Celebration Tour has her embracing more of her past than she has ever done before, or maybe she just didn’t feel like putting together something entirely new. Whatever the case, I am always here for this look, which rekindles the vibe of her epochal ‘Vogue’ performance from 1990, as well as the wonder of her Re-invention moment, which was one of the first times we found her cozying up to her past at last. 

This comes at a good moment for this blog, as the Madonna Timeline returns on Wednesday morning with a cut from the ‘Rebel Heart’ era. It’s more heart than rebel, and that’s the hat trick that has kept Madonna fascinating to me for all these decades

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