

Madame X Massacre Masterpiece

Madonna takes an important stance for gun control in her latest video masterpiece for the ‘Madame X’ opus. ‘God Control’ is probably the most amazing track on the album – a dark, dreamy disco diatribe against one of American society’s most tragic epidemics. Directed by Jonas Akerlund (see also ‘Ray of Light‘ and ‘American Life‘) it’s a powerful time-rewind piece of videography that rivals her best work – and as Madonna is one of the world’s most striking video-makers, that’s saying quite a lot. It’s like the tragic step-sister to ‘Deeper and Deeper‘ – or the long-lost bitter cousin of ‘Music‘ – or the darker baby brother of ‘Hung Up‘. Still, it stands on its own as a masterful piece of storytelling, and a chilling indictment of the gun-obsessed society into which our country has denigrated. Most of us remember the horrific mass shooting at Pulse nightclub. How long until it gets even closer? 

This is your wake up call. Gun violence disproportionately affects children, teenagers and the marginalized in our communities. Honor the victims and demand GUN CONTROL. NOW. Volunteer, stand up, donate, reach out. Wake up and insist on common-sense gun safety legislation. Innocent lives depend on it. Join me in supporting the following organizations: https://everytownresearch.org/









https://ceasefireusa.org/ https://marshap.org/

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