

In Like A Virgin Lion, Out Like A Lamb

And so we bid another Winter month good-bye – the last full one of this dismal season – but March has a way of lingering longer than we anticipate, and most of our worst storms seem to come at this time of the year, when we’re at the end of our rope. Luckily, March is also the time of the year when magical things happen, especially concerning Madonna. Rather than look back over the last month, let’s focus on what is about to come. My next Madonna Timeline will coincide with the 15th anniversary of the release of ‘Ray of Light’, and it just so happens that the iPod has shifted to the title track as the next selection. That album informed a number of momentous highlights so far, like ‘Frozen‘ and ‘Drowned World: Substitute for Love‘. This one will be a lighter take on things, as ‘Ray of Light’ is one of her most joyous cuts, and Spring deserves something buoyant, brave, and brilliant. Let’s see if I can rise to the challenge.

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