

Give Me All Your Luvin

Aside from my pet-peeve for intentionally-misspelled and supposedly-cute versions of “words” ~ i.e. “luvin” – I was initially otherwise unimpressed with the demo version of the new Madonna single that leaked a few months back. While not quite ready for a “comeback” (her career has never suffered the sort of post-Sex backlash of the early 90’s), she is due for a grand return (this new album will mark the first since 2008’s Hard Candy – a relatively lengthy stretch between new Madonna studio albums). As such, it is being hyped by fans as a big deal. As for the lead-off single, I’m not sure ‘Give Me All Your Luvin’’(GMAYL) delivers.

It certainly doesn’t come close to the majesty and pomp of ‘Like A Prayer’ or ‘Frozen’ – two lead-off singles from now-iconic musical moments in her career – but we’re living in a different world now, and quick flashes of catchy-if-empty tunes seem to be where all the radio-play and chart action is. Still, this is Madonna, and I was hoping for something a little less… trifling. GMAYL is almost a throwaway track – fun and instantly likable, but almost as instantly forgettable – and if there’s one thing Madonna does best, it’s the unforgettable.

The final version, however, has grown on me some. She certainly knows her way around a verse, and if the chorus doesn’t quite live up to her legend, it still manages to thrill in its own way. The cover art is nice, in a casual, fun, carefree way – we don’t often get unabashed and abandoned fun from her. While I love it when she goes serious and introspective, I can also appreciate that the world is not going to embrace a ballad a la ‘Frozen’. Once again, Madonna knows what she’s doing – and whether or not the song is a huge hit for her, she’s put herself in our collective consciousness almost three decades after she first entered it.

The new chapter has begun…

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