

Birthday Fit For The Queen

 The Ministry of Madge-ic should have decreed this an International Holiday many years ago, but until such time as sense prevails, we will unofficially celebrate the birth of our majestic muse, Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone, on this day of our Lord, August 16.

Madonna means many things to me, and while my fandom has matured and cooled over the years, it’s also solidified into something reliably fun, endlessly engaging, and perennially interesting. She still elicits the same thrill I felt decades ago when a new song or album was due to be released, the same joy I feel when revisiting her extensive and exquisite back catalog, and the same wonder at very new endeavor she deigns to attempt.

The First Hundred entries of the Madonna Timeline have already been contained with these two posts: Retrospective One and Retrospective Two. It’s been a while since we recapped the ones that came afterward, however, so here is the collection of entries 100 through now. We are not quite at the end (may it never come) but we’re approaching the last quarter of those songs currently lodged in my iTunes account. A few classic gems have yet to be excavated (the entries for ‘Vogue’ and ‘Express Yourself’ haven’t been written) so some good stuff is still on the horizon. In the meantime, here’s a quick link-back to the last thirty entries. Happy birthday, M.

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