

A Madonna Timeline In Waiting

You may call it stalling, but I call it vamping. Fitting for the next Madonna Timeline, which will arrive eventually, just not anytime soon. Real life encroaches on my blogging existence, and happily so. Besides, time goes by so slowly for those who wait, so stop waiting.

For those who need a Madonna fix (and who doesn’t?) this featured photo of an outfit she wore to some celebration is a joyful kick-in-the-pants. I love when she embraces color. Too often she relies on black, and I’m of the Anna Wintour mindset that black clothing is boring. I love the fabric of this too – at least from what I can tell from the photo. It shimmers. It shines. It looks like a party in and of itself.

In that spirit, here are a few celebratory tunes from the Madonna canon.

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